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更多 发布于:2005-01-02 12:00
第一名:汤姆·汉克斯/Tom Hanks

第二名:汤姆·克鲁斯/Tom Cruise

第三名:李奥纳多·迪卡普利奥/Leonardo DiCaprio

第四名:尼古拉斯·凯奇/Nicolas Cage

第五名:金·凯瑞/Jim Carrey

第六名:丹泽尔·华盛顿/Denzel Washington

第七名:朱莉娅·罗伯茨/Julia Roberts

第八名:威尔·史密斯/Will Smith

第九名:布拉德·皮特/Brad Pitt

第十名:亚当·桑德勒/Adam Sandler

明日之星(男):杰米·弗克斯/Jamie Foxx

明日之星(女):斯卡利特·约翰逊/Scarlett Johansson

Tom Hanks Tops 2004 Money-Making Poll
Source: Quigley Publishing Company December 31, 2004

Tom Hanks has been voted the Top Money-Making Star of 2004 in Quigley Publishing Company';s 72nd Annual Top Ten Money-Making Stars Poll. Hanks, who appeared in three films in 2004, has won the poll five times and has placed in the Top Ten eleven times. He finished ahead of all time box office champion Tom Cruise, who has appeared on the list seventeen times and has won six times, the most of any actor since 1932.
Tom Cruise finished second to Hanks with his performance in Collateral. Leonardo DiCaprio who first appeared on the list in 1997, finished in third place. He has held this position twice and a ranking of #5 once. Nicholas Cage ranked fourth overall. Surprisingly, this is the first time Cage has been in the Top Ten. Jim Carrey, who won the 2003 Poll slipped to #5.
The rest of the Top Ten in order were: Denzel Washington #6, Julia Roberts #7, Will Smith #8, Brad Pitt #9 and Adam Sandler #10.
The Quigley Poll, conducted every year since 1932, is an annual survey of motion picture exhibitors, which asks them to vote for the ten stars that generated the most box-office revenue in the preceding year for their theatres. Long regarded as one of the most reliable indicators of a Star';s box-office draw, the Quigley Poll has been cited in hundreds of publications and appears annually in Quigley Publishing Company';s International Motion Picture Almanac.
To date, Tom Cruise has been voted number one six times. Tom Hanks, Clint Eastwood, Burt Reynolds and Bing Crosby have all won five times. John Wayne, Doris Day and Shirley Temple each finished first four times, but John Wayne was voted one of the Top Ten Money-Making Stars an astounding 25 times from 1949 to 1974.
Exhibitors were also asked to name the Stars of Tomorrow for 2004: one actor and one actress who they feel will be Top Money-Makers in the years to come. The 2004 winners are Jamie Foxx who starred in Ray and was in Breakin'; All the Rules and Collateral and Scarlett Johansson who was in The Perfect Score, The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, A Love Song for Bobby Long, and In Good Company. Johansson was also a Star of Tomorrow in 2003, the only person to be so named in consecutive years.


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发布于:2005-01-03 01:22
这是哪年的啊. 这些人过气,时间不算短了
  • 最后登录2017-12-07
发布于:2005-01-03 04:20
瞳颜 [img]http://img1.qq.com/tech/pics/2486/2486835.jpg[/img]
