怀念《加里森敢死队》的主要演员演员资料: 头儿:Ron Harper(1936.1.12- ) 演员主页:http://www77.pair.com/timem/harper/ Ron Harper was born in Turtle Creek, Pennsylvania and graduated from Turtle Creek High as the valedictorian. 更多相片在这里:http://www77.pair.com/timem/harper/gallery/framgall.htm 戏子:Cesare Danova(1926.3.1-1992) Cesare Danova was born in Rome Italy. Perhaps he portrayed aristocrats so well because he was actually descended from a German count on his father’s side. Cesare’s mother was a descendant of the famed medieval artist who was mentioned in the poem Filippo Lippi by Robert Browning. He has been called a gentleman by those who knew him and he was truly an actor extrodinaire. He is sadly missed.……55555………… 酋长:Brendon Boone(1938.2.26- ) Brendon Boone was born in Meridian, Mississippi. He was the first of two children born to the Reverend Doctor and Mrs. Norman Brendon Boone. Because his father was a minister with the Methodist Church, Brendon and his family moved every five years. Always being “the new kid”, and being the preacher’s son, Brendon learned at an early age what it was like to have all eyes upon him. It may have been this that pushed him toward a career that would place him in the spotlight. 卡西诺:Rudy Solari(1934.12.21-1991.4.23) Rudy was a native Californian. He was born in Modesto and graduated from San Francisco State College. Rudy had at first studied law but then changed to drama. Rudy has been called “an actor’s actor” and a consummate professional by his peers. 看到这一句的时候我都要哭了:The world lost Rudy Solari in 1991 at the age of 56. Rudy packed more living into those years than most people do in 80 years. ……………… 高尼夫:Christopher Cary(1930.6.16-2000.4.1) Christopher was born in England on July 16th,1930.He was the only boy in a family which was also blessed with six girls. He died April 1, 2000 of cancer in California. ……555555…… 怀念他们…………………… |
发布于:2003-02-14 16:13
有没有更详细的消息? |
发布于:2003-02-16 22:31
想不到当初那五个英资飒爽的小伙子们都已随时光消逝了。怀念他们。安安,能否翻译一下,我想收藏这篇文章。谢啦 |
发布于:2003-02-18 11:23
酋长篇:“有时候人们也叫他诺曼·伯兰登·波尼”——错了,这个是他的母亲。 “作为牧师的儿子,伯兰登小小年纪便随着父亲在各处奔波,见识了人情冷暖。可能是由于这个原因,他日后才选择演艺行当作为终身职业的吧。”( “Always being “the new kid”, and being the preacher’s son, Brendon learned at an early age what it was like to have all eyes upon him. It may have been this that pushed him toward a career that would place him in the spotlight.”)——原文没有人情冷暖的意思,而且“the new kid”,似乎用了圣经的典故,所以这里说的是他早年就尝到了受人瞩目的滋味,所以促使他选择了进入演艺圈这个聚光灯下的职业。 戏子篇: “正因为遗传了他父亲家族的德国人血统,所以他才能够在银幕上惟妙惟肖地演好具有贵族气质的角色。”(Perhaps he portrayed aristocrats so well because he was actually descended from a German count on his father’s side。)——原文的因果关系没有那么强。 |
发布于:2003-02-18 17:26
. “He was the first of two children born to the Reverend Doctor and Mrs. Norman Brendon Boone. ”——这里介绍了他的父母。“Always being “the new kid”, and being the preacher’s son, Brendon learned at an early age what it was like to have all eyes upon him. It may have been this that pushed him toward a career that would place him in the spotlight.”——关于“the new kid”是典故只是我个人的感觉,因为西人动不动就拿圣经来解毒,说什么新天新地的,所以觉得这里也有这种含义,况且他又是个牧师的儿子。其实更多的“明示”来自这两句——have all eyes upon him,和place him in the spotlight。 “Perhaps he portrayed aristocrats so well because he was actually descended from a German count on his father’s side。”——这里的perhaps并无不通。估计你把这个句子读破了。从because往下是个从句,与前半句不是并列关系,所以perhaps在逻辑上并不乱。 |
发布于:2003-02-22 15:09
最近我一直在重温这部片子,不停地看不停地看,很喜欢“酋长”,每次一边看一边感叹,时间过得这么快,想起距离第一次看时已过了近二十年,记忆却还是那么清晰 |
发布于:2003-03-06 17:44
〈加里森敢死队〉是我对译制片的最初印象,记得在小学就看了他了,那时候爸爸每天都必看,在爸爸影响下,我渐渐喜欢上了里面那群勇敢、能干而又勇于奉献的敢死队。后来我就没有什么他们的消息了,但他们的身影一直留在了我记忆深处,教会了我勇敢。很难过,他们中的几个离开了。但在他们短短一生中给我们带来了那么优秀的影片,每一个热爱敢死队的人都不会忘记那一个个熟悉的面孔------我们永远的“加里森敢死队”! |
发布于:2003-03-20 10:03
我只看到了“头儿”的大照片,其他三人的照片打不开!急!“更多照片在这里”提供的那个网址也打不开!急!急!!急!!!SOS~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
发布于:2003-05-12 14:09
天呐~~高尼夫也死了,我曾经的偶像们,你们知道吗现在街上仍能买到你们的电视剧集《加里森敢死队》VCD版和DVD版(也有录像带版的),多么精典的剧集,多么棒的演员和导演多好的剧本和片商,谢谢他们在我国改革开放初期带给我们的这些好东西,谢谢这些人!! |
发布于:2003-05-14 08:48
给大家几个站点参考:http://fanrealm.com/ggweb/ http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/servlet/ShowMainServlet/showid-5793/ http://www.jumptheshark.com/g/garrisonsgorillas.htm |
发布于:2003-06-06 07:53
演头儿的演员新版的珍珠港里客串了一个角色!还有在一本叫什么死里逃生的蟒蛇片里演个老头!而高尼夫的演员在突袭隆梅尔里是主要角色!不信大家仔细找找! |
发布于:2003-08-14 19:36
下面引用由khman在 2003/06/05 11:53pm 发表的内容: 我看了3遍都没有找到阿? 在哪里呀? |