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更多 发布于:2006-11-24 11:56
中新网11月24日电 法国知名男演员菲利浦·诺瓦雷(Philippe Noiret)今天去世,享年七十六岁。国人熟知的菲利浦·诺瓦雷电影角色如“新天堂乐园”和“邮差”,他在片中都饰演年长的启蒙角色。法国总统、总理晚间纷纷表达悲伤之情。据“中央社”报道,菲利浦·诺瓦雷一九八八年在“天堂电影院”里老电影放映师和一九九四年“邮差”一片中流放诗人聂鲁达的角色,感动所有人。



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发布于:2006-11-24 12:27
—— 哦!亲爱的,有句忠告,像美国人常常说的,悠着点。
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发布于:2006-11-24 13:53

Date of birth (location)
1 October 1930
Lille, Nord, France
Known for his droopy bloodhound features, in real life he is an unabashed... (show more)  
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Filmography as: Actor, Miscellaneous Crew, Self, Archive Footage

Actor - filmography
(In Production) (2000s) (1990s) (1980s) (1970s) (1960s) (1950s) (1940s)

3 amis (2007) (post-production)

Edy (2005) .... Louis
Ripoux 3 (2003) .... René Boirond
... aka Part-Time Cops (International: English title)
Côtelettes, Les (2003) .... Léonce Grison
Père et fils (2003) .... Léo
... aka Father and Sons (International: English title) (USA: literal English title)
Chien, le général et les oiseaux, Le (2003) (voice) .... Narrator
... aka Cane e il suo generale, Il (Italy)
... aka The Dog, the General, and the Birds (International: English title)
Un honnête commerçant (2002) .... Mr. Louis Chevalier
... aka Honest Dealer
... aka Step by Step (International: English title)
Mio figlio ha 70 anni (2002) (TV) .... L'ingénieur Castelli
... aka Mon fils a 70 ans (France)
Pique-nique de Lulu Kreutz, Le (2000) .... Joseph Steg
... aka Lulu Kreutz's Picnic (International: English title)

Bossu, Le (1997) .... Philippe d'Orléans
... aka Cavaliere di Lagardére, Il (Italy)
... aka Duell der Degen (Germany)
... aka On Guard
Marianna Ucrìa (1997) .... Duca Signoretto
... aka Vie silencieuse de Marianna Ucria, La (France)
Soleil (1997) .... Joseph Lévy
... aka Soleil (Italy)
Palmes de M. Schutz, Les (1997) .... Monsieur Schutz
Veilleur de nuit, Le (1996) (TV) .... Monsieur
Fantôme avec chauffeur (1996) .... Philippe Bruneau-Teissier
... aka Ghost with Driver (International: English title)
Grands ducs, Les (1996) .... Victor Vialat
... aka The Grand Dukes (USA: informal literal English title)
Une trop bruyante solitude (1996) .... Hanta
... aka Allzu laute Einsamkeit (Germany)
... aka Prílis hlucná samota (Czech Republic)
... aka Too Loud a Solitude (International: English title)
Les Milles (1995) .... Le général
... aka Les Milles: Le train de la liberté
... aka Les milles - Gefangen im Lager (Germany)
Roi de Paris, Le (1995) .... Victor Derval
... aka The King of Paris
Facciamo paradiso (1995) .... Bertelli
... aka Looking for Paradise (International: English title)
Postino, Il (1994) .... Pablo Neruda
... aka Facteur, Le (France)
... aka The Postman (USA)
Fille de d'Artagnan, La (1994) .... D'Artagnan
... aka D'Artagnan's Daughter
... aka Revenge of the Musketeers (USA: video title)
... aka The Daughter of D'Artagnan
Grosse fatigue (1994) .... Philippe Noiret
... aka Dead Tired
Zuppa di pesce (1994) .... Alberto
... aka Fish Soup
Tango (1993) .... L'Elégant
Max & Jeremie (1992) .... Robert 'Max' Maxendre
... aka Max and Jeremy
Nous deux (1992) .... Toussaint
... aka The Two of Us
J'embrasse pas (1991) .... Romain
... aka I Don't Kiss
... aka Niente baci sulla bocca (Italy)
Domenica specialmente, La (1991) .... Amleto (segment "Il cane blu")
... aka Dimanche de préférence, Le (France)
... aka Especially on Sunday (USA)
Rossini! Rossini! (1991) .... Gioacchino Rossini
Uranus (1990) .... Watrin
Faux et usage de faux (1990) .... Anatole Hirsch
... aka Forgery and the Use of Forgeries
Dimenticare Palermo (1990) .... Gianni Mucci
... aka Oublier Palerme (France)
... aka The Palermo Connection
... aka To Forget Palermo
Ripoux contre ripoux (1990) .... René Boisrond
... aka Cop 2, Le
... aka My New Partner II
... aka My New Partner at the Races (USA)

Vie et rien d'autre, La (1989) .... Major Delaplane
... aka Life and Nothing But (International: English title)
The Return of the Musketeers (1989) .... Cardinal Mazarin
... aka Regreso de los mosqueteros, El (Spain)
... aka Retour des mousquetaires, Le (France)
Nuovo cinema Paradiso (1988) .... Alfredo
... aka Cinema Paradiso (Australia) (France) (USA)
... aka Cinéma Paradiso (France)
... aka Cinema Paradiso: The New Version (USA: director's cut)
Giovane Toscanini, Il (1988) .... Dom Pedro II
... aka Toscanini (France)
... aka Young Toscanini (USA)
Chouans! (1988) .... Savinien de Kerfadec
Frullo del passero, Il (1988) .... Gabriele Battistini
... aka Femme de mes amours, La (France)
... aka The Sparrow's Fluttering
Occhiali d'oro, Gli (1987) .... Dr. Fadigati
... aka Lunettes d'or, Les (France)
... aka The Gold Rimmed Glasses
Masques (1987) .... Christian Legagneur
... aka Masks (International: English title: literal title)
Famiglia, La (1987) .... Jean Luc
... aka Famille, La (France)
... aka The Family (USA)
Noyade interdite (1987) .... Inspecteur Molinat
... aka Estate impura, L' (Italy)
... aka Widow's Walk (International: English title)
Homme qui plantait des arbres, L' (1987) .... Récitant/Narrator (French version)
... aka The Man Who Planted Trees (Canada: English title)
Twist again à Moscou (1986) .... Igor Tataïev
... aka Twist Again in Moscow (International: English title)
Femme secrète, La (1986) .... Pierre Franchin, le peintre
'Round Midnight (1986) .... Redon
... aka Autour de minuit (France)
Speriamo che sia femmina (1986) .... Leonardo
... aka Let's Hope It's a Girl
... aka Pourvu que ce soit une fille (France)
4ème pouvoir, Le (1985) .... Yves Dorget
... aka The Fourth Power (International: English title: informal literal title)
Été prochain, L' (1985) .... Edouard
... aka Next Summer
Souvenirs souvenirs (1984) .... Le proviseur
... aka Memories, Memories (International: English title)
Ripoux, Les (1984) .... René
... aka Cop, Le
... aka My New Partner (USA)
Fort Saganne (1984) .... Dubreuilh
Qualcosa di biondo (1984) .... Dr. André Feretti
... aka Aurora (UK: TV title)
... aka Aurora by Night
... aka Encounter (Europe: English title)
Grand carnaval, Le (1983) .... Étienne Labrouche
... aka The Big Carnival (International: English title: literal title)
Ami de Vincent, L' (1983) .... Albert Palm
... aka A Friend of Vincent
Africain, L' (1983) .... Victor
... aka The African
Étoile du Nord, L' (1982) .... Edouard Binet
... aka The North Star (USA: literal English title)
Amici miei atto II (1982) .... Giorgio Perozzi
... aka All My Friends Part 2 (International: English title)
... aka My Friends Act II
Coup de torchon (1981) .... Lucien Cordier
... aka Clean Slate
... aka Clean Up (International: English title)
Il faut tuer Birgit Haas (1981) .... Athanase
... aka Birgit Haas Must Be Killed (USA)
Tre fratelli (1981) .... Raffaele Giuranna
... aka Three Brothers
... aka Trois frères (France)
Pile ou face (1980) .... Inspecteur Louis Baroni
... aka Heads or Tails
Une semaine de vacances (1980) .... Michel Descombes
... aka A Week's Holiday (UK)
... aka A Week's Vacation
On a volé la cuisse de Jupiter (1980) .... Antoine Lemercier
... aka Jupiter's Thigh

Rue du Pied de Grue (1979) .... Le père
... aka Street of the Crane's Foot (USA)
Due pezzi di pane (1979) .... Peppe
... aka Deux bonnes pâtes (France)
... aka Happy Hobos
... aka Two Pieces of Bread (International: English title)
Témoin, Le (1978) .... Robert Maurisson
... aka Testimone, Il (Italy)
... aka The Witness
Who Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe? (1978) .... Moulineau
... aka Grande cuisine, La (France)
... aka Kochtopf voller Leichen, Ein (West Germany: video title)
... aka Qualcuno sta uccidendo i più grandi cuochi d'europa (Italy)
... aka Schlemmerorgie, Die (West Germany)
... aka Someone Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe
... aka Too Many Chefs (UK)
Tendre poulet (1978) .... Antoine Lemercier
... aka Dear Detective
... aka Dear Inspector (USA)
Barricade du Point du Jour, La (1978) .... Eugène Pottier
... aka The Barricade at Point Du Jour
Un taxi mauve (1977) .... Phillip
... aka Taxi color malva, Un (Italy)
... aka The Purple Taxi (USA)
Une femme à sa fenêtre (1976) .... Raoul Malfosse
... aka A Woman at Her Window
... aka Donna alla finestra, Una (Italy)
... aka Frau am Fenster, Die (West Germany)
Deserto dei Tartari, Il (1976) .... General
... aka Désert des Tartares, Le (France)
... aka Desert des Tartars, Le
... aka Tartarenwüste, Die (West Germany)
... aka The Desert of the Tartars
Monsieur Albert (1976) .... Albert
Juge et l'assassin, Le (1976) .... Judge Rousseau
... aka The Judge and the Assassin
Comune senso del pudore, Il (1976) .... Giuseppe Costanzo
... aka A Common Sense of Modesty (International: English title: literal title)
Vieux fusil, Le (1975) .... Julien Dandieu
... aka Abschied in der Nacht (West Germany)
... aka Alte Gewehr, Das (West Germany)
... aka The Old Gun (USA)
... aka Vengeance One by One (USA: video title)
Amici miei (1975) .... Giorgio Perozzi
... aka My Friends
Jeu avec le feu, Le (1975) .... Georges de Saxe/Ses doubles
... aka Giochi di fuoco (Italy)
... aka Playing with Fire (International: English title)
Que la fête commence... (1975) .... Philippe d'Orléans, le Régent
... aka Let Joy Reign Supreme (USA)
Secret, Le (1974) .... Thomas Berthelot
... aka Segreto, Il (Italy)
... aka The Secret
Un nuage entre les dents (1974) .... Malisard
... aka A Cloud in the Teeth (International: English title)
Gaspards, Les (1974) .... Gaspard de Montfermeil
... aka Rare snuiters, De (Belgium: Flemish title)
... aka The Down-in-the-Hole Gang (USA)
... aka The Holes
Touche pas à la femme blanche (1974) .... Gen. Terry
... aka Don't Touch the White Woman! (USA: video title)
... aka Non toccare la donna bianca (Italy)
Horloger de Saint-Paul, L' (1974) .... Michel Descombes
... aka The Clockmaker of St. Paul (USA)
... aka The Watchmaker of St. Paul (UK)
Grande bouffe, La (1973) .... Philippe
... aka Blow-Out (UK)
... aka Grande abbuffata, La
... aka The Grande Bouffe (USA)
Serpent, Le (1973) .... Lucien Berthon
... aka Night Flight from Moscow (USA: reissue title)
... aka Schlange, Die (West Germany)
... aka Serpente, Il (Italy)
... aka The Serpent (USA)
Attentat, L' (1972) .... Pierre Garcin
... aka Attentat, Das (West Germany)
... aka Attentato, L' (Italy)
... aka Plot (UK)
... aka Tödliche Falle (Die Affäre Sadiel), Die (West Germany: video title)
... aka The Assassination (USA)
... aka The French Conspiracy (USA)
Trèfle à cinq feuilles, Le (1972) .... Alfred
... aka Five Leaf Clover (International: English title)
Vieille fille, La (1972) .... Gabriel Marcassus
... aka Tardona, La (Italy)
... aka The Old Maid (International: English title)
Poil de carotte (1972) .... François Lepic
Mandarine, La (1972) .... Georges
... aka Mandarina, La (Italy)
... aka Sweet Deception (International: English title)
Siamo tutti in libertà provvisoria (1971)
... aka We Are All in Temporary Liberty (International: English title)
Aveux les plus doux, Les (1971) .... Inspecteur Muller
... aka Ricatto di un commissario di polizia a un giovane indiziato di reato (Italy)
... aka The Most Gentle Confessions (International: English title)
Murphy's War (1971) .... Louis Brezon
A Time for Loving (1971) .... Marcel
... aka Paris Was Made for Lovers
Caprices de Marie, Les (1970) .... Gabriel
... aka Give Her the Moon (USA)
... aka Portami quello che hai e prenditi quello che vuoi (Italy)

Topaz (1969) .... Henri Jarre
Justine (1969/I) .... Pombal
The Assassination Bureau (1969) .... Monsieur Lucoville
... aka The Assassination Bureau Limited
Clérambard (1969) .... Clerambard
Mr. Freedom (1969) .... Moujik Man
Bruegel (1969) (voice) .... Récitant/Narrator
Alexandre le bienheureux (1968) .... Alexandre
... aka Alexander (USA)
... aka Very Happy Alexander (International: English title: literal title)
Adolphe, ou l'âge tendre (1968) .... Pourtalain
... aka Adolphe
... aka Adolphe or The Awkward Age
... aka Tanjas Geliebter (West Germany)
... aka The Tender Age
Petula d'hier et d'aujourd'hui (1967) (TV)
Une et l'autre, L' (1967) .... Andre
... aka The Other One (USA)
Woman Times Seven (1967) .... Victor - segment 'Snow'
... aka Sept fois femme (France)
... aka Sette volte donna (Italy)
The Night of the Generals (1967) .... Insp. Morand
... aka Nuit des généraux, La (France)
... aka Tank Force (Philippines: English title)
Tendre voyou (1966) .... Bibi Dumonceaux
... aka Avventuriere a Tahiti, Un (Italy)
... aka Tender Scoundrel (USA)
Voyage du père, Le (1966) .... Un voyageur
... aka Destinazione marciapiede (Italy)
... aka Father's Trip (International: English title)
Sultans, Les (1966) .... Michou
... aka Amante italiana, L' (Italy)
... aka The Sultans (International: English title)
Fin de la nuit, La (1966) (TV) .... Bernard
Anatole (1966) (TV) .... Max
Vie de château, La (1966) .... Jérôme
... aka A Matter of Resistance (USA)
... aka Gracious Living
Qui êtes-vous, Polly Maggoo? (1966) .... Jean-Jacques Georges, le journaliste/Reporter
... aka Who Are You, Polly Magoo?
Lady L (1965) .... Ambroise Gérôme
Copains, Les (1965) .... Bénin
... aka The Buddies (International: English title: literal title)
Château en Suède (1964) (TV) .... Hugo
Cyrano et d'Artagnan (1964) .... King Louis XIII
... aka Cyrano e d'Artagnan (Italy)
... aka Cyrano et d'Artagnan (France)
... aka Cyrano y d'Artagnan (Spain)
Amoureux du France, Les (1964) (voice) .... Récitant/Narrator
... aka Gioco degli innamorati, Il (Italy)
... aka The Lovers of the France (International: English title)
Monsieur (1964) .... Edmond Bernadac
... aka Intrigo a Parigi (Italy)
Mort, où est ta victoire? (1964) .... Brassy
... aka Death Where Is Your Victory? (International: English title)
Porteuse de pain, La (1963) .... Jacques Garaud/Paul Harmant
... aka Portatrice di pane, La (Italy)
... aka The Bread Peddler (USA)
"Inspecteur Leclerc enquête, L'" .... M. Mareuil (1 episode, 1963)
... aka Inspecteur Leclerc, L' (France)
    - La chasse (1963) TV Episode .... M. Mareuil
Clémentine chérie (1963) .... Le directeur général
Frenesia dell'estate (1963) .... Jean
... aka Shivers in Summer
... aka Summer Frenzy (International: English title)
Ballade pour un voyou (1963) .... L'inspecteur Mathieu
... aka Ballad for a Hoodlum (USA)
Massaggiatrici, Le (1962) .... Bellini
... aka Faux jetons, Les (France)
... aka The Masseuses (International: English title)
Crime ne paie pas, Le (1962) .... Mon. Hugues
... aka Crime Does Not Pay (USA)
... aka Delitto non paga, Il (Italy)
... aka Gentle Art of Murder (UK)
Comme un poisson dans l'eau (1962) .... Lucien Barlemont
... aka Pauvre papa (France)
Mal court, Le (1962) (TV) .... Parfait XVIII
Thérèse Desqueyroux (1962) .... Bernard Desqueyroux
... aka Thérèse
... aka Therese (USA)
Rendez-vous, Le (1961) .... Inspecteur Maillard
... aka Rendez-vous de Noël, Le
... aka Rendezvous (International: English title)
Amours célèbres (1961) .... Louis XIV (segment "Lauzun")
... aka Famous Love Affairs (International: English title)
Tout l'or du monde (1961) .... Victor Hardy
... aka All the Gold in the World
... aka Tutto l'oro del mondo (Italy)
Capitaine Fracasse, Le (1961) .... Hérode
... aka Capitán Fracassa, El (Spain)
... aka Capitan Fracassa (Italy)
... aka Captain Fracasse (International: English title)
Ravissante (1960) .... Maurice
... aka Mogli degli altri, Le (Italy)
... aka Ravishing (International: English title)
De fil en aiguille (1960) (TV) .... M. Van Dam
Zazie dans le métro (1960) .... Uncle Gabriel
... aka Zazie dans le métro (USA)
... aka Zazie in the Subway
... aka Zazie in the Underground
... aka Zazie nel metrò (Italy)
Cyrano de Bergerac (1960) (TV) .... Lignère

Macbeth (1959) (TV) .... Macduff
Clarisse Fenigan (1959) (TV) .... Richard
"Discorama" (1957) TV Series .... Host (unknown episodes)
Pointe-courte, La (1956) .... Lui
Agence matrimoniale (1952/I) .... Un passant
... aka Matrimonial Agency (International: English title)
Olivia (1951) (uncredited) .... Un amoureux sur un banc public
... aka The Pit of Loneliness (USA)

Gigi (1949) (uncredited) .... Bit Part
... aka Gigi (USA)

Filmography as: Actor, Miscellaneous Crew, Self, Archive Footage

Miscellaneous Crew - filmography

The Immortal Story (1968) (voice dubbing: Mr. Charles Clay) (French version)
... aka Une histoire immortelle (France)
Merveilleuse Angélique (1965) (voice dubbing: Ernst Schröder) (French version) (uncredited)
... aka Angélique, 2. Teil (West Germany)
... aka Angelique: The Road to Versailles (UK)
... aka Meravigliosa Angelica, La (Italy)

Filmography as: Actor, Miscellaneous Crew, Self, Archive Footage

Self - filmography
(2000s) (1990s) (1980s) (1970s)

"Hebdo cinéma, L'" .... Himself (1 episode, 2006)
    - Episode dated 23 April 2006 (2006) TV Episode .... Himself
Un jour dans la vie du cinéma français (2002) (TV) .... Himself
"Ombre et lumière" .... Himself (1 episode, 2002)
    - Episode dated 12 April 2002 (2002) TV Episode .... Himself
"Feux de la rampe, Les" .... Himself (2 episodes, 2002)
    - Philippe Noiret, 2e partie (2002) TV Episode .... Himself
    - Philippe Noiret, 1re partie (2002) TV Episode .... Himself

"Enfants de la télé, Les" .... Himself (1 episode, 1999)
    - Episode dated 7 May 1999 (1999) TV Episode .... Himself
"7 sur 7" .... Himself - Guest (1 episode, 1996)
    - Episode dated 21 April 1996 (1996) TV Episode .... Himself - Guest
Balthus de l'autre côté du miroir (1996) .... Himself
Philippe le bienheureux (1996) (TV) .... Himself
Veillées d'armes (1994) .... Himself
... aka The Troubles We've Seen: A History of Journalism in Wartime
... aka The Troubles weve seen - Die Geschichte der Kriegsberichterstattung (Germany)
... aka Veillées d'armes: Histoire du journalisme en temps de guerre
"Tal cual" .... Himself (1 episode, 1993)
    - Episode dated 23 February 1993 (1993) TV Episode .... Himself
Contre l'oubli (1991) .... Himself (segment "Joaquim Elema Boringue, Guinée équatoriale")
... aka Écrire contre l'oubli
... aka Against Oblivion
... aka Lest We Forget

"Cinéma cinémas" .... Himself (1 episode, 1987)
    - Noiret: vérités et mensonges, Novembre 1987 (1987) TV Episode .... Himself
Rois du gag, Les (1985) (uncredited) .... Himself/En personne à la cérémonie des Césars
Dialogue pour un portrait: Philippe Noiret (1981) (TV) .... Himself

Dans le jardin de Franc-Nohain (1972) (TV) .... Himself
Jean Vilar, une belle vie (1972) .... Himself

Filmography as: Actor, Miscellaneous Crew, Self, Archive Footage

Archive Footage

"Enfants de la télé, Les"
    - Episode dated 21 March 2005 (2005) TV Episode .... Himself
In and Out of Fashion (1998) .... Himself
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认识你自己。这是古希腊德尔斐神庙门楣上的千古箴言。几千年过去了,朋友,你认识自己了吗 ?
