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更多 发布于:2003-02-24 00:59
Due South - The Movie
"You're going to shoot a Mountie? They'll hunt you to the ends of the Earth."
(Fraser Sr. to his soon-to-be-killer)
"[That's] the last time *he'll* fish over the limit."
(Fraser to fellow Mounties regarding captured criminal he tosses into the jail cell)
"You're sure they were Americans, eh?"
"They were all wearing new boots, they were driving a Jeep Wrangler, and they carried big guns."
"Americans it is."
(plane pilot, Benton Fraser)
"Pet, was it?"
(Coroner, as Fraser dumps dead caribou on table)
Airport Hustler: "You're going to give a perfect stranger a hundred dollars? You're kidding?"
Fraser: "Son, I never kid about a child's life."
(Fraser gives money to a total stranger at the airport)
"Excuse me... I'm looking for a Detective Armani?"
(Benton Fraser)
Moffat: "You'd be surprised at the number of people who underestimate me, Fraser."
Fraser: "I don't think so, sir."
(Fraser patiently listening to his superior ramble on)
"I'm talking to a corpse here."
(Ray muttering to himself as Fraser stands at attention outside Consulate)
"You're kidding, right? This is your job? This is, like, your *real* job? Do you believe it? This is his job. They actually pay people to do this in Canada."
(Ray Vecchio)
"My bet is there ain't a lot of high speed chases in Canada."
(Ray Vecchio)
"He's getting intimate with me!"
(Ray Vecchio, as Diefenbaker crawls all over him)
"Really? I didn't know wolves saved lives."
"Well, he doesn't always. I mean, he'll save you if he sees you."
(Ray Vecchio, Benton Fraser)
"He reads lips?"
"I've never been sure. If so, he's self-taught."
(Ray Vecchio, Benton Fraser)
"They think I'm complete scum. And down here, your reputation is everything."
(Ray explaining his undercover work to Fraser)
Fraser: "Well, perhaps if we identified ourselves and then questioned them directly, they'd cooperate."
Ray: "And what would make them do that?"
Fraser: "Their basic respect for the law."
Ray: "I think we're going to do this my way."
(Ray explaining how they'll handle going into a rough tavern)
"You have a hat line embedded in your forehead."
(Ray to Fraser)
"Who carries an unloaded gun? Would I carry an unloaded gun? Would anybody I know carry an unloaded gun? What do they shoot people with in Canada, serviettes?"
(Ray Vecchio)
"You say you identified him by his nose?"
"Yes, sir."
"You didn't say something about his nose, causing him to fire repeatedly into the bar?"
"Ah, no, sir."
"You just felt that his nose was so offensive that you decided to pursue and arrest him?"
(Captain Walsh, Ray Vecchio)
"The wolf was just trying to help, sir."
"They usually are."
(Ray Vecchio, Capt. Walsh)
"Walk her to her door."
"This is Canadian!"
"So is she."
(Benton Fraser, cabbie)
Fraser: "Is it always like this?"
Ray: "It's okay. They only attack the ones they love."
(Ray explaining his family's loud behavior at the dinner table to Fraser)
"[He's] very nice...so polite."
"He's Canadian, Ma."
"Oh, I thought he was sick or something."
(Mrs. Vecchio, Ray Vecchio)
"You're among friends, use your fingers!" (Mrs. Vecchio to Fraser)
"Oh, no, that is disgusting!"
(Ray upon seeing Fraser 'taste' dirt off the sidewalk)
Fraser: "I guessed. I had a hunch."
Ray: "No, no, no, no. You don't have hunches. *I* have hunches."
Fraser: "I had one of your hunches, Ray. Felt good."
(Benton Fraser, Ray Vecchio)
"Why? What are you gonna do? Tell him to surrender or you're gonna eat something off the curb?"
(Ray Vecchio)
"12700 Franklin, one officer on the scene, and tell 'em not to shoot the guy in the hat."
(Ray Vecchio)
"Go ahead, shoot. Be a hell of a lot easier than getting out of this snowsuit."
(Ray to Fraser up in the Yukon. He's all bandaged up from previous explosion and clad in heavy snowsuit.)
"You see, that's such a simple plan that the American mind automatically tends to discount it, so let me run it back to you. We wait here. Girard and God knows who else comes, sometime when? We're not sure. And then, when we least expect it, they shoot us dead with automatic weapons. Any part I left out?"
(Ray Vecchio)
"So, we've some fishing rods, a rifle last used by Chuck Conners, and a bag of rice."
(Ray to Fraser, regarding their defensive arsenal against bad guys)
Fraser: "When I graduated from the Academy, my father gave me one piece of advice. He said always... no, he said never... well, actually he gave me two pieces of advice but I've forgotten the other one but the important one is, never chase a man over a cliff."
Ray: "That's supposed to mean something in Canadian, isn't it?"
Fraser: "If you're going to take on a man, you'd better know more than he does."
Being an American, I also know where my strength lies, and that's in being as heavily armed as possible at all times. It's all completely legal, I swear to you."
(Ray explaining his cache of weaponry to Fraser, which includes even a hand grenade!)
(Ray to himself after bopping bad guy on head with stick out in wilderness)
"You shoot me, and they'll hunt you to the ends of the Earth."
(Benton Fraser)
"Sorry, thought he was a caribou. So many hunting accidents around here."
(native hunter)
"You know we just took out seven guys? One more and you qualify for American citizenship."
(Ray Vecchio)
"Everyone says he [Fraser Sr] was the last of a breed. It's not true. You are."
(Underhill to Fraser after Gerard's trial)
"I talked to the Super at your last job. He suggested transferring you further north."
"Well, that would put me in Russia, sir."
(RCMP Officer, Benton Fraser)
版权:William and Elyse's due South Page
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发布于:2003-02-24 11:25
[color=blue][move]爱上一个天使的缺点,用一种魔鬼的语言[/move] [/color]
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发布于:2003-02-24 12:07
  • 最后登录2016-01-01
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发布于:2003-02-26 00:41
[color=blue][size=5] [font= 楷体_gb2312] [b] 这世界上所有的悲伤与痛苦,都完全来自希望自己幸福­ 这世界上所有的喜悦与快乐,都完全来自希望别人幸福 [/b] [/font][/size] [/color]
  • 最后登录2018-02-08
  • 优秀管理员
发布于:2003-02-26 12:04
下面引用由X-Ray2003/02/25 10:41am 发表的内容:

[color=blue][move]爱上一个天使的缺点,用一种魔鬼的语言[/move] [/color]
  • 最后登录2016-01-01
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  • 特约记者
发布于:2003-02-26 14:43
[color=blue][size=5] [font= 楷体_gb2312] [b] 这世界上所有的悲伤与痛苦,都完全来自希望自己幸福­ 这世界上所有的喜悦与快乐,都完全来自希望别人幸福 [/b] [/font][/size] [/color]
