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更多 发布于:2007-03-09 14:37
  名次    片名                    出品年份        全美总票房
1    铁达尼号/Titanic                 1997    $600,788,188
2    星球大战/Star Wars    1977    $460,998,007
3    怪物史莱克2/Shrek 2    2004    $441,226,247
4    E.T.外星人/E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial    1982    $435,110,554
5    星战前传1:幽灵的威胁/Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace    1999    $431,088,301
6    加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺/Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest    2006    $423,315,812
7    蜘蛛侠/Spider-Man    2002    $403,706,375
8    星战前传3:西斯的反击/Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith    2005    $380,270,577
9    魔戒三部曲:王者再临/The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King    2003    $377,027,325
10    蜘蛛侠2/Spider-Man 2    2004    $373,585,825
11    耶稣受难记/The Passion of the Christ    2004    $370,274,604
12    侏罗纪公园/Jurassic Park    1993    $357,067,947
13    魔戒二部曲:双城奇谋/The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers    2002    $341,786,758
14    海底总动员/Finding Nemo    2003    $339,714,978
15    阿甘正传/Forrest Gump    1994    $329,694,499
16    狮子王/The Lion King    1994    $328,541,776
17    哈利波特:神秘的魔法石/Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone    2001    $317,575,550
18    魔戒首部曲:魔戒现身/The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring    2001    $314,776,170
19    星战前传2:克隆人的进攻/Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones    2002    $310,676,740
20    绝地大反攻/Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi    1983    $309,306,177
21    独立日/Independence Day    1996    $306,169,268
22    加勒比海盗/Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl    2003    $305,413,918
23    第六感/The Sixth Sense    1999    $293,506,292
24    纳尼亚魔法王国/The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe    2005    $291,706,092
25    帝国反击战/Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back    1980    $290,475,067
26    哈利波特4:火焰杯/Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire    2005    $290,013,036
27    小鬼当家/Home Alone    1990    $285,761,243
28    黑客帝国2:重装上阵/The Matrix Reloaded    2003    $281,576,461
29    拜见岳父续集/Meet the Fockers    2004    $279,261,160
30    怪物史莱克/Shrek    2001    $267,665,011
31    哈利波特2:消失的密室/Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets    2002    $261,988,482
32    超人特攻队/The Incredibles    2004    $261,441,092
33    格林奇如何偷走圣诞节/How the Grinch Stole Christmas    2000    $260,044,825
34    大白鲨/Jaws    1975    $260,000,000
35    怪物公司/Monsters, Inc.    2001    $255,873,250
36    蝙蝠侠/Batman    1989    $251,188,924
37    黑超特警组/Men In Black    1997    $250,690,539
38    哈里波特3:阿兹卡班的逃犯/Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban    2004    $249,541,069
39    玩具总动员2/Toy Story 2    1999    $245,852,179
40    汽车总动员/Cars    2006    $244,082,982
41    冒牌天神/Bruce Almighty    2003    $242,829,261
42    夺宝奇兵/Raiders of the Lost Ark    1981    $242,374,454
43    龙卷风暴/Twister    1996    $241,721,524
44    我的希腊婚礼/My Big Fat Greek Wedding    2002    $241,438,208
45    捉鬼敢死队/Ghostbusters    1984    $238,632,124
46    妙探出更/Beverly Hills Cop    1984    $234,760,478
47    X战警3/X-Men: The Last Stand    2006    $234,362,462
48    世界大战/War of the Worlds    2005    $234,280,354
49    荒岛求生/Cast Away    2000    $233,632,142
50    驱魔人/The Exorcist    1973    $232,671,011
51    迷失世界:侏罗纪公园续集/The Lost World: Jurassic Park    1997    $229,086,679
52    天兆/Signs    2002    $227,966,634
53    火拼时速2/Rush Hour 2    2001    $226,164,286
54    肥妈先生/Mrs. Doubtfire    1993    $219,195,243
55    金刚/King Kong    2005    $218,080,025
56    人鬼情未了/Ghost    1990    $217,631,306
57    达芬奇密码/The Da Vinci Code    2006    $217,536,138
58    阿拉丁/Aladdin    1992    $217,350,219
59    拯救大兵瑞恩/Saving Private Ryan    1998    $216,540,909
60    职业特工队2/Mission: Impossible 2    2000    $215,409,889
61    X战警2/X2: X-Men United    2003    $214,949,694
62    王牌大贱谍3:金盟友/Austin Powers in Goldmember    2002    $213,307,889
63    回到未来/Back to the Future    1985    $210,609,762
64    婚礼傲客/Wedding Crashers    2005    $209,255,921
65    查理和巧克力工厂/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory    2005    $206,459,076
66    王牌大贱谍2/Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me    1999    $206,040,086
67    蝙蝠侠:侠影之谜/Batman Begins    2005    $205,343,774
68    终结者2/Terminator 2: Judgment Day    1991    $204,843,345
69    盗墓迷城2/The Mummy Returns    2001    $202,019,785
70    绝世天劫/Armageddon    1998    $201,578,182
71    超人归来/Superman Returns    2006    $200,081,192
72    乱世佳人/Gone with the Wind    1939    $198,676,459
73    珍珠港/Pearl Harbor    2001    $198,542,554
74    圣战奇兵/Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade    1989    $197,171,806
75    冰河世纪2/Ice Age: The Meltdown    2006    $195,330,621
76    马达加斯加/Madagascar    2005    $193,595,521
77    玩具总动员/Toy Story    1995    $191,796,233
78    博物馆之夜/Night at the Museum    2006    *$190,503,618
79    黑超特警组2/Men In Black II    2002    $190,418,803
80    快乐大脚/Happy Feet    2006    $189,052,102
81    油脂/Grease    1978    $188,389,888
82    角斗士/Gladiator    2000    $187,705,427
83    末日浩劫/The Day After Tomorrow    2004    $186,740,799
84    史密斯夫妇/Mr. & Mrs. Smith    2005    $186,336,279
85    白雪公主/Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs    1937    $184,925,486
86    与狼共舞/Dances with Wolves    1990    $184,208,848
87    新蝙蝠侠不败之谜/Batman Forever    1995    $184,031,112
88    亡命天涯/The Fugitive    1993    $183,875,760
89    瞒天过海/Ocean's Eleven    2001    $183,417,150
90    男人百分百/What Women Want    2000    $182,811,707
91    完美风暴/The Perfect Storm    2000    $182,618,434
92    大话王/Liar Liar    1997    $181,410,615
93    侏罗纪公园3/Jurassic Park III    2001    $181,171,875
94    职业特工队/Mission: Impossible    1996    $180,981,886
95    人猿星球/Planet of the Apes    2001    $180,011,740
96    魔域奇兵/Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom    1984    $179,870,271
97    全民情敌/Hitch    2005    $179,495,555
98    风月俏佳人/Pretty Woman    1990    $178,406,268
99    窈窕淑男/Tootsie    1982    $177,200,000
100    壮志凌云/Top Gun    1986    $176,786,701
101    我为玛丽狂/There's Something About Mary    1998    $176,484,651
102    冰河时代/Ice Age    2002    $176,387,405
103    谍影重重2/The Bourne Supremacy    2004    $176,241,941
104    鳄鱼邓迪/Crocodile Dundee    1986    $174,803,506
105    阿波罗十三号/Apollo 13    1995    $173,807,716
106    小鬼当家 2/Home Alone 2: Lost in New York    1992    $173,585,516
107    精灵/Elf    2003    $173,398,518
108    国家财宝/National Treasure    2004    $173,008,894
109    空军一号/Air Force One    1997    $172,956,409
110    雨人/Rain Man    1988    $172,825,435
111    黑客帝国/The Matrix    1999    $171,479,930
112    美女与野兽/Beauty and the Beast    1991    $171,350,553
113    泰山/Tarzan    1999    $171,091,819
114    美丽心灵/A Beautiful Mind    2001    $170,742,341
115    芝加哥/Chicago    2002    $170,687,518
116    三个奶爸一个娃/Three Men and a Baby    1987    $167,780,960
117    拜见岳父/Meet the Parents    2000    $166,244,045
118    侠盗王子罗宾汉/Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves    1991    $165,493,908
119    汉尼拔/Hannibal    2001    $165,092,268
120    逍遥法外/Catch Me If You Can    2002    $164,615,351
121    冒牌老爸/Big Daddy    1999    $163,479,795
122    蝙蝠侠2:蝙蝠侠归来/Batman Returns    1992    $162,831,698
123    虫虫特工队/A Bug's Life    1998    $162,798,565
124    北极特快车/The Polar Express    2004    $162,775,358
125    007之皇家赌场/Casino Royale    2006    $162,760,504
126    呆呆向前冲/The Waterboy    1998    $161,491,646
127    新铁金刚之不日杀机/Die Another Day    2002    $160,942,139
128    鲨鱼帮/Shark Tale    2004    $160,861,908
129    音乐之声/The Sound of Music    1965    $158,671,368
130    律师事务所/The Firm    1993    $158,348,367
131    牢狱风云/The Longest Yard    1974    $158,119,460
132    X战警/X-Men    2000    $157,299,717
133    惊声尖笑/Scary Movie    2000    $157,019,771
134    致命的诱惑/Fatal Attraction    1987    $156,645,693
135    谁害死了兔子罗杰/Who Framed Roger Rabbit    1988    $156,452,370
136    骗中骗/The Sting    1973    $156,000,000
137    谎言背后/What Lies Beneath    2000    $155,464,351
138    神鬼传奇/The Mummy    1999    $155,385,488
139    篱笆墙外/Over the Hedge    2006    $155,019,340
140    神奇四侠/Fantastic Four    2005    $154,696,080
141    甜心先生/Jerry Maguire    1996    $153,952,592
142    妙探出更续集/Beverly Hills Cop II    1987    $153,665,036
143    史酷比/Scooby-Doo    2002    $153,294,164
144    小魔怪/Gremlins    1984    $153,083,102
145    最长的一码/The Longest Yard    2005    $152,324,184
146    落跑新娘/Runaway Bride    1999    $152,257,509
147    第一滴血II/Rambo: First Blood Part II    1985    $150,415,432
148    终结者3/Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines    2003    $150,371,112
149    尽善尽美/As Good As It Gets    1997    $148,478,011
150    塔拉迪加之夜:瑞奇•鲍比的民谣/Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby    2006    $148,213,377
151    轰天炮2/Lethal Weapon 2    1989    $147,253,986
152    真实的谎言/True Lies    1994    $146,282,411
153    星际宝贝/Lilo & Stitch    2002    $145,794,338
154    美国派2/American Pie 2    2001    $145,103,595
155    101斑点狗/101 Dalmatians    1961    $144,880,014
156    今年圣诞大件事/The Santa Clause    1994    $144,833,357
157    机械公敌/I, Robot    2004    $144,801,023
158    轰天炮3/Lethal Weapon 3    1992    $144,731,527
159    速度与激情/The Fast and the Furious    2001    $144,533,925
160    怪医杜利德/Doctor Dolittle    1998    $144,156,605
161    极限特工/XXX    2002    $142,109,382
162    森林之王/The Jungle Book    1967    $141,843,612
163    动物之家/Animal House    1978    $141,600,000
164    风中奇缘/Pocahontas    1995    $141,579,773
165    义海雄风/A Few Good Men    1992    $141,340,178
166    尖峰时刻/Rush Hour    1998    $141,186,864
167    女巫布莱尔/The Blair Witch Project    1999    $140,539,099
168    天地大冲撞/Deep Impact    1998    $140,464,664
169    看谁在说话/Look Who's Talking    1989    $140,088,813
170    精灵鼠小弟/Stuart Little    1999    $140,035,367
171    修女也疯狂/Sister Act    1992    $139,605,150
172    黑客帝国3:革命/The Matrix Revolutions    2003    $139,270,910
173    圣诞快乐再疯狂/The Santa Clause 2    2002    $139,236,327
174    儿女一箩筐/Cheaper by the Dozen    2003    $138,614,544
175    绝地战警2/Bad Boys II    2003    $138,608,444
176    野战排/Platoon    1986    $138,530,565
177    壮志骄阳/Good Will Hunting    1997    $138,433,435
178    追求快乐/The Pursuit of Happyness    2006    *$138,082,302
179    恐龙/Dinosaur    2000    $137,748,063
180    神奇遥控器/Click    2006    $137,340,146
181    绿色奇迹/The Green Mile    1999    $136,801,374
182    赎金风暴/Ransom    1996    $136,492,681
183    哥斯拉/Godzilla    1998    $136,314,294
184    101斑点狗/101 Dalmatians    1996    $136,189,294
185    气味相投/Anger Management    2003    $135,645,823
186    鸡仔总动员/Chicken Little    2005    $135,386,665
187    忍者神龟/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles    1990    $135,265,915
188    心灵点滴/Patch Adams    1998    $135,026,902
189    教父/The Godfather     1972    $134,966,411
190    超人/Superman    1978    $134,218,018
191    石破天惊/The Rock    1996    $134,069,511
192    职业特工队3/Mission: Impossible III    2006    $134,029,801
193    特洛伊/Troy    2004    $133,378,256
194    爱到屋倒房塌/Bringing Down the House    2003    $132,716,677
195    绿巨人/Hulk    2003    $132,177,234
196    第三类接触/Close Encounters of the Third Kind    1977    $132,088,635
197    少数派报告/Minority Report    2002    $132,072,926
198    古墓丽影/Lara Croft: Tomb Raider    2001    $131,168,070
199    沉默的羔羊/The Silence of the Lambs    1991    $130,742,922
200    豆丁小灵精/Honey, I Shrunk the Kids    1989    $130,724,172
201    石头族乐园/The Flintstones    1994    $130,531,208
202    轰天炮4/Lethal Weapon 4    1998    $130,444,603
203    美国美人/American Beauty    1999    $130,096,601
204    军官与绅士/An Officer and a Gentleman    1982    $129,795,554
205    美版午夜凶铃/The Ring    2002    $129,128,133
206    肥佬教授/The Nutty Professor    1996    $128,814,019
207    机器人/Robots    2005    $128,200,012
208    来到美国/Coming to America    1988    $128,152,301
209    卧虎藏龙/Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon    2000    $128,078,872
210    洛基IV/Rocky IV    1985    $127,873,716
211    阿拉巴马甜蜜的家/Sweet Home Alabama    2002    $127,223,418
212    阿呆与阿瓜/Dumb and Dumber    1994    $127,175,374
213    速度与激情2/2 Fast 2 Furious    2003    $127,154,901
214    真的想嫁你/My Best Friend's Wedding    1997    $127,120,029
215    波拉特/Borat    2006    $127,056,940
216    黑日危机/The World Is Not Enough    1999    $126,943,684
217    警察与卡车强盗/Smokey and the Bandit    1977    $126,737,428
218    缘份的天空/Sleepless In Seattle    1993    $126,680,884
219    迪兹先生/Mr. Deeds    2002    $126,293,452
220    楚门的世界/The Truman Show    1998    $125,618,201
221    伊人当自强/Erin Brockovich    2000    $125,595,205
222    瞒天过海2/Ocean's Twelve    2004    $125,544,280
223    霹雳娇娃/Charlie's Angels    2000    $125,305,545
224    明日帝国/Tomorrow Never Dies    1997    $125,304,276
225    洛奇3/Rocky III    1982    $125,049,125
226    穿普拉达的魔鬼/The Devil Wears Prada    2006    $124,740,460
227    爱是妥协/Something's Gotta Give    2003    $124,728,738
228    毒品网络/Traffic    2000    $124,115,725
229    鸟笼/The Birdcage    1996    $124,060,553
230    城市滑头/City Slickers    1991    $124,033,791
231    早安越南/Good Morning, Vietnam    1987    $123,922,370
232    肥佬教授2/Nutty Professor II: The Klumps    2000    $123,309,890
233    燃眉追击/Clear and Present Danger    1994    $122,187,717
234    猎杀红色十月/The Hunt for Red October    1990    $122,012,643
235    护花倾情/The Bodyguard    1992    $121,945,720
236    韦恩的世界/Wayne's World    1992    $121,697,323
237    谍影重重/The Bourne Identity    2002    $121,661,683
238    无间道风云/The Departed    2006    $121,347,332
239    生死时速/Speed    1994    $121,248,145
240    初恋50次/50 First Dates    2004    $120,908,074
241    花木兰/Mulan    1998    $120,620,254
242    奔腾年代/Seabiscuit    2003    $120,277,854
243    凡赫辛/Van Helsing    2004    $120,177,084
244    变相怪杰/The Mask    1994    $119,938,730
245    铁钩船长/Hook    1991    $119,654,823
246    一往无前/Walk the Line    2005    $119,518,352
247    灼热的马鞍/Blazing Saddles    1974    $119,500,000
248    宇宙威龙/Total Recall    1990    $119,394,840
249    金色池塘/On Golden Pond    1981    $119,285,432
250    华氏911/fahrenheit 9/11    2004    $119,194,771
251    恐惧杀机/The Sum of All Fears    2002    $118,907,036
252    分手男女/The Break Up    2006    $118,703,275
253    雷蒙•斯尼奇的不幸历险/Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events    2004    $118,634,549
254    回到未来II/Back to the Future Part II    1989    $118,450,002
255    本能/Basic Instinct    1992    $117,727,224
256    卧底肥妈/Big Momma's House    2000    $117,559,438
257    虎胆龙威续集/Die Hard 2    1990    $117,540,947
258    洛奇/Rocky    1976    $117,235,147
259    反恐特警组/S.W.A.T.    2003    $116,934,650
260    街头痞子/8 Mile    2002    $116,750,901
261    双重危机/Double Jeopardy    1999    $116,741,558
262    新娘百分百/Notting Hill    1999    $116,089,678
263    火烧摩天楼/The Towering Inferno    1974    $116,000,000
264    电子情书/You've Got Mail    1998    $115,821,495
265    冲锋陷阵/Remember the Titans    2000    $115,654,751
266    龙威小子第二集/The Karate Kid, Part II    1986    $115,103,979
267    美国风情画/American Graffiti    1973    $115,000,000
268    飞越未来/Big    1988    $114,968,774
269    疯狂躲避球/DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story    2004    $114,326,736
270    灵异村庄/The Village    2004    $114,197,520
271    飙风战警/Wild Wild West    1999    $113,805,681
272    阿达一族/The Addams Family    1991    $113,502,426
273    爱国者/The Patriot    2000    $113,330,342
274    神勇奶爸/The Pacifier    2005    $113,086,868
275    怪医杜利德2/Dr. Dolittle 2    2001    $112,952,899
276    洛奇恐布晚会/The Rocky Horror Picture Show    1975    $112,892,319
277    非常小特务/Spy Kids    2001    $112,719,001
278    捉鬼敢死队II/Ghostbusters II    1989    $112,494,738
279    夺面双雄/Face/Off    1997    $112,276,146
280    龙兄鼠弟/Twins    1988    $111,938,388
281    非常小特务3/Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over    2003    $111,761,982
282    日瓦戈医生/Doctor Zhivago    1965    $111,721,910
283    全民公敌/Enemy of the State    1998    $111,549,836
284    小美人鱼/The Little Mermaid    1989    $111,543,479
285    反斗星/Porky's    1982    $111,289,673
286    最后的武士/The Last Samurai    2003    $111,127,263
287    美版咒怨/The Grudge    2004    $110,359,362
288    新抢钱夫妻/Fun with Dick and Jane    2005    $110,332,737
289    辣妈辣妹/Freaky Friday    2003    $110,230,332
290    惊声尖笑3/Scary Movie 3    2003    $110,003,217
291    星际旅行4:抢救未来/Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home    1986    $109,713,132
292    四十岁的老处男/The 40 Year Old Virgin    2005    $109,449,237
293    鳄鱼邓迪II/Crocodile Dundee II    1988    $109,306,210
294    飞跃疯人院/One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest    1975    $108,981,275
295    杀戮时刻/A Time to Kill    1996    $108,766,007
296    折翼黑鹰/Black Hawk Down    2001    $108,638,745
297    母女情深/Terms of Endearment    1983    $108,423,489
298    神探飞机头续集/Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls    1995    $108,385,533
299    公主的日记/The Princess Diaries    2001    $108,248,956
300    超人续集/Superman II    1981    $108,185,706
301    低俗小说/Pulp Fiction    1994    $107,928,762
302    红粉联盟/A League of Their Own    1992    $107,533,928
303    蝙蝠侠与罗宾/Batman & Robin    1997    $107,325,195
304    老大靠边闪/Analyze This    1999    $106,885,658
305    咪走鸡/Chicken Run    2000    $106,834,564
306    选美俏卧底/Miss Congeniality    2000    $106,807,667
307    不道德的交易/Indecent Proposal    1993    $106,614,059
308    为戴茜小姐开车/Driving Miss Daisy    1989    $106,593,296
309    黄金眼/GoldenEye    1995    $106,429,941
310    爱情故事/Love Story    1970    $106,397,186
311    克莱默夫妇/Kramer Vs. Kramer    1979    $106,260,000
312    偷天换日/The Italian Job    2003    $106,128,601
313    十日拍拖手册/How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days    2003    $105,813,373
314    大婆俱乐部/The First Wives Club    1996    $105,489,203
315    夜访吸血鬼/Interview With the Vampire    1994    $105,264,608
316    至野一族/George of the Jungle    1997    $105,263,257
317    毕业生/The Graduate    1967    $104,642,560
318    不一样的奇迹/Phenomenon    1996    $104,636,382
319    美国婚礼/American Wedding    2003    $104,565,114
320    毁灭之路/Road to Perdition    2002    $104,454,762
321    奶爸别动队/Daddy Day Care    2003    $104,297,061
322    至尊神探/Dick Tracy    1990    $103,738,726
323    朝九晚五/Nine to Five    1980    $103,290,500
324    夺命狂呼/Scream    1996    $103,046,663
325    小鹿斑比/Bambi    1942    $102,797,150
326    将军的女儿/The General's Daughter    1999    $102,705,852
327    飞行者/The Aviator    2004    $102,610,330
328    美国派/American Pie    1999    $102,561,004
329    夜魔侠/Daredevil    2003    $102,543,518
330    火线狙击/In The Line of Fire    1993    $102,314,823
331    虎豹小霸王/Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid    1969    $102,308,889
332    欢乐满人间/Mary Poppins    1964    $102,272,727
333    极速60秒/Gone in 60 Seconds    2000    $101,648,571
334    赌侠马华力/Maverick    1994    $101,631,272
335    与敌共眠/Sleeping With the Enemy    1991    $101,599,005
336    埃及王子/The Prince of Egypt    1998    $101,413,188
337    夺命狂呼2/Scream 2    1997    $101,363,301
338    阿叔有难/Stir Crazy    1980    $101,300,000
339    蒸发密令/Eraser    1996    $101,295,562
340    杀无赦/Unforgiven    1992    $101,157,447
341    惊天动地/Con Air    1997    $101,117,573
342    魔法灵猫/The Cat in the Hat    2003    $101,091,659
343    无头谷/Sleepy Hollow    1999    $101,071,502
344    借刀杀人/Collateral    2004    $101,005,703
345    超时空接触/Contact    1997    $100,920,329
346    霹雳娇娃2/Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle    2003    $100,830,111
347    塘鹅暗杀令/The Pelican Brief    1993    $100,768,056
348    香草的天空/Vanilla Sky    2001    $100,618,344
349    淘气小兵兵/The Rugrats Movie    1998    $100,494,675
350    百万宝贝/Million Dollar Baby    2004    $100,492,203
351    国际机场/Airport    1970    $100,489,151
352    逃出魔幻纪/Jumanji    1995    $100,475,249
353    鬼马小精灵/Casper    1995    $100,328,194
354    莎翁情史/Shakespeare in Love    1998    $100,317,794
355    钟楼怪人/The Hunchback of Notre Dame    1996    $100,138,851
356    七宗罪/Seven    1995    $100,125,643
357    温馨家族/Parenthood    1989    $100,047,830
358    虎胆龙威3/Die Hard: With a Vengeance    1995    $100,012,499


  • 最后登录2017-04-28
发布于:2007-03-09 17:26
