[原创+转发]五年——911![]() 5年了,911事件发生5年了,还是不太相信那两座建筑就那样在一瞬间消失了。看到以前影片里的纽约市,再看现在的样子,少了点什么,不光是两座建筑物,而是人们心理的一些东西。 一系列的错误,导致了悲剧的发生。说政治,很没劲,也说不清楚。长久以来就是一个争议。现在想到要说的,只有人——亲历那场劫难的人——不分国籍,不问来历。那种毫无人性的行为,震撼的是人类,毁灭的是人性。 记得那天晚上,9点的新闻里报道说一架飞机撞到世贸大厦,并没有什么特别的感觉,只是想,有意思,怎么会有人晕到把飞机开进大厦里?而且,当时脑袋里唯一判断出的就是:一架小飞机引发的一次意外。 不过,等到10点钟再看新闻,亲眼见到另一架飞机——绝对是一架商业飞机,径直撞进世贸大厦的南塔楼,顿时感到不对劲,毫无疑问是动真格的了。 拿起电话,告诉别人看新闻,只是说:“开电视,纽约出事了。” 再有就是拨了长途,问问那边的朋友有没有看到,什么情况,诸如此类。 电视还在直播,那些从楼的裂缝出窜出的火焰,根本不像我们平常见到的大火,那就是地狱的火焰吗?航空煤油在燃烧,烘烤着一切…… 我们就这样看着热闹,没有人真正体会到身处其境的人是什么样的感受。 说起这些,总有点悲天悯人的感觉。是吗? 也许,和斯坦利·普雷姆纳斯换个位置,我们能体会得更深一些? ![]() ![]() "他在81层的办公室,接到一个同事从芝加哥打来的电话,询问他的安危。他一边说着话,一边把脸朝向窗户的方向。他的窗户朝南,可以俯瞰纽约港和自由女神像。从他眼角中,瞥见一个陌生事物的形状,他转过身,直瞪瞪朝窗外望去。是一架飞机,它好像正冲着他的办公室,它的窗口飞来。飞机接近的时候,他可以看到机身上的红蓝标志和字母U。他一头扎到桌子下面,大声尖叫,他在芝加哥的同事则在电话中听着,惊恐的看着电视画面…… 175次航班撞击南塔楼时左侧机翼发生倾斜,贯穿了77、78和79三个楼层,同时掠过了78层的空中走廊。飞机撞击时的速度为每小时545英里。" “世贸大厦可以承受住一架707飞机满负荷飞行时的撞击” 是啊,有谁怀疑过呢?真的可以,他承受住了撞击,但它没有逃过烈火。 两座大厦,共198座电梯里的情况又有多少人知道呢?那些站到窗外的人,往下跳的一瞬间,闪过他们脑海的又是什么呢?飞机上的乘客,眼看着自己撞向这个庞然大物,又会有何反应呢? ![]() 死的都是人,毕竟。 ![]() 英雄作出的牺牲,永生难忘 ====================================================================== 相关内容及文章: 《华盛顿邮报》特别报道: Sept. 11: Five Years Later Mary Beth Sheridan Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, September 5, 2006; 11:00 AM Washington Post reporter Mary Beth Sheridan wasonline Tuesday, Sept. 5, at 11 a.m. ET to discuss her story about Muslims convicted of involvement with a local "jihad network." The Justice Department says it is trying to prevent terror attacks; many Muslims complain of prosecutorial overkill. 具体内容见:http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/discussion/2006/09/01/DI2006090101290.html?nav=topnav ====================================================================== 关于5周年的其他内容:http://today.reuters.com/news/globalcoverage.aspx?type=911&src=090706_1725_ARTICLE_PROMO_also_on_reuters ![]() ====================================================================== 美国《读者文摘》文章(英文,节选): ![]() Photographed by Marc Asnin/Redux Sgt. John McLoughlin enjoys an afternoon at a suburban New York park with (left to right) son John, wife Donna, and daughters Caitlin and Erin. The Hero "Our lives have changed forever." By Derek Burnett From Reader's Digest September 2006 On the afternoon of 9/11, three firefighters hoisted an American flag above the smoldering wreckage of the World Trade Center. Unbeknownst to them, about 30 feet beneath the ash-coated rubble, was a tiny, coffin-like space where a Port Authority cop named John McLoughlin was trapped. He would become the last rescue worker pulled alive from the collapsed towers. For his new film, World Trade Center, director Oliver Stone chose Nicolas Cage to portray McLoughlin, 53. The resemblance between actor and real-life character is all in the eyes: sorrowful, hangdog, burdened. McLoughlin, an even-tempered, reserved man, had been on the Port Authority police force for 22 years -- 12 assigned to the World Trade Center -- when he got word of the attack that September morning. "A plane just flew into the towers," his commanding officer shouted. "Get a group of cops. We're going down." Within minutes, McLoughlin and a four-man team were at the complex, crossing its underground concourse level, making their way toward Tower One. Then, Tower Two fell. "There was nothing but a brown wall rolling toward us," McLoughlin remembers. "We weren't going to survive if we stayed where we were. I told the guys to take cover in an elevator vestibule around the corner." They were still running when the full weight of the tower crashed onto the ground-level plaza above them, slamming into the concourse and plunging McLoughlin and his men into a chaotic world of dust and concrete. John McLoughlin met his wife, Donna, on a blind date in 1973. He was working as a banker and volunteer firefighter in Massapequa, Long Island. "I was instantly attracted," says Donna. "He's got a tough exterior, but would bend over backward to help people. He was someone I wanted to spend my life with." The two have four children; in 2001, they ranged in age from 4 to 15. …… ![]() ===================================================================== 美国《读者文摘》文章(英文,全文): A Time to Heal From his New York City apartment, Greg Manning watched as the second plane crashed into the World Trade Center where his wife worked. He assumed she was dead. She wasn't. By Greg Manning From Reader's Digest April 2002 Deciding to Live At eight o'clock on the morning of September 11, 2001, my wife, Lauren, was a vibrant, athletic and beautiful woman, the picture of health. At about 8:30 she breezed through our living room, saying how she'd solved a scheduling problem, making business calls that delayed her departure about 15 minutes. She lingered in the hallway, saying goodbye to our ten-month-old son, Tyler. Then she headed off to work, hailing a cab to the World Trade Center, where she was (and is) a senior vice president and director of global sales data for Cantor Fitzgerald. Less than 20 minutes later, as I was listening to "Imus in the Morning" on the radio, I heard Imus break in and say, "What's this? A plane hit the World Trade Center?" Running to the terrace of our Greenwich Village apartment, I looked down toward the Twin Towers. At the top of Tower One, I saw a vast hole billowing black smoke. I could see that a plane had hit at or just below Cantor's offices and that the impact had been huge. I kept calling Lauren's phone numbers, but her office line was busy and her cell phone wasn't ringing. I paced the apartment, pounding the wall. Then I watched as the second plane hit Tower Two, seemingly right at the 84th floor, my office at Euro Brokers, where I was a senior vice president. Part of me was in shock: I'd been scheduled to attend a conference that morning at Windows on the World on the 107th floor. Friends and family began calling our home to make sure we were all right. I couldn't say whether Lauren was alive; I was almost certain she was dead. But she wasn't. Arriving at the World Trade Center, she'd heard a whistling sound, entered the lobby to investigate and been met by an explosive fireball. She ran outside in flames. A bond salesman saw her and two others running from the building. He raced across the street to her and put out the flames that were consuming her. Lauren was lucid enough to tell the man her name and number. People had fled, and there was no one else around for blocks. As heavy steel debris fell from a thousand feet above them, the man stayed with Lauren until the ambulance came. At about 9:35 our phone rang. A breathless voice said, "Mr. Manning, I'm with your wife. She's been badly burned, but she's going to be okay. We got her in an ambulance." Then the phone cut off. I learned later that the caller was a bond trader. His buddy, the bond salesman, had saved Lauren's life. Twenty minutes later a nurse called to tell me Lauren was at St. Vincent's Hospital, eight blocks away. Fighting tears, not knowing what to expect, I made my way there through the stunned crowds. I found Lauren in a bed on the tenth floor, all but her face draped in white sheets. Her skin looked deeply tanned. Her eyebrows had been burned off and her beautiful blond hair was charred. The first thing she said to me was "Get me to a burn unit." Then she said, "Greg, I was on fire. I ran out. I prayed to die. Then I decided to live for Tyler and you." 详细内容点击:http://www.rd.com/ ![]() |
发布于:2006-09-11 13:14
因为还会有更多的本拉登站出来 现在恐怖组织 更多是利用网络对分布在各地的恐怖分子进行指导 要将其一网打尽是不可能的 唉............ |
发布于:2006-09-11 14:46
发布于:2006-09-11 14:47
发布于:2006-09-11 15:52
![]() 晚上回家看电视才知道有多严重 |
发布于:2006-09-11 15:55
引用第2楼穆阑于2006-9-11 14:39发表的言论: 晚上看新闻,之后就开始给很多人打电话,叫他们看凤凰卫视…… 第二天,还没几个人知道,直到12号晚上的新闻联播 |
发布于:2006-09-11 17:22
赶忙去看电视~~~~~~~~~虽然嘴上叫好,可是看到建筑里面绝望的人,尤其是那些从大楼上纵身跳下来的生命,不觉又茫然~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ![]() |
发布于:2006-09-11 17:58
那天晚上9点多正开着电视,一边做事,一边听凤凰卫视的新闻报道。忽然听到吴晓莉说话在打结巴,等明白她说的是什么后,抄起电话就拨美国纽约的一个同学——就在世贸大楼附近上班的——电话打不通。马上再拨住在美国西岸的亲友们,都还不知道(西岸这时还只是早上6时多),他们的第一反应就是赶快打开电视机:“Oh,my Good!”
再给这同学在国内的父母通电话,老人们已睡了。在说了抱歉打扰之后,立即通告我所知道的情况。回头想再拨美国的电话,线路已经全部不通了,一片忙音。 随后就是和家人锁定了凤凰卫视听最新的进展,面面相觑,大眼瞪小眼——因为预定是9月下旬启程赴美。 那个同学到第二天晚上才有消息。911这天正好休息,万幸。 |
发布于:2006-09-11 18:20
引用第2楼穆阑于2006-9-11 14:39发表的言论: 正在出差的路上,听到收音机的广播后,马上叫司机调头回家,看新闻.结果新闻只演了那么一点,听说网上新闻多 ,这才去网吧,为了看这条新闻,学习上网. |
发布于:2006-09-11 22:41
在悼念无辜的罹难者之时,不知是否有人会像《华氏911》影片那样反思美国的“世界警察”政策,回顾自海湾战争以来这个大国给世界带来的失衡?!看到小布和小犬就讨厌! 许多美国大片给恐怖分子上“专业课”,而后者又“创造性”地“回报”他们的“博导”,上演了“超级大片”。致使世界性交恶对抗恶性循环,血腥事件愈演愈烈。 还是多搞些“世界杯”、“世界选美大会”让紧绷的神经松弛下来吧,这个星球不需要兽性! ![]() |
发布于:2006-09-11 22:48
应该反思自己的言行 五年前的当时,我就要睡觉,结果随手翻了一下电视,央视和凤凰卫视都在直播,真好像在看恐怖片一样 第二天办公室炸了锅,嘿嘿 ![]() |
发布于:2006-09-12 13:53
哪知道911随后就到了。当时正值午饭后,路过一青年学生公寓(忘记去干什么,应该是没啥特别的事,随便溜溜),听说米国什么五角大楼被炸,还米马上意识到问题的严重性,还以为可能就是大楼边边角角受点损。加之在匆忙办事,自然没引起足够注意。等赶到和办事有关的朋友家,她正在看电视新闻报道,嘴里不停说“太令人发指了!”,我看了画面才明白原来是这样。看见世贸大厦成这种形状,很是不能相信。 ![]() |
发布于:2006-09-12 15:21
引用第2楼穆阑于2006-9-11 14:39发表的言论: 那天回到办公室,大家正在议论纷纷,才知道第一架飞机已经撞了。然后 继续上班一边追踪新闻,接着第二架撞了,几乎看到了撞的 全 过程实播。。。每个人都明白这不是事故。虽然有些人在为亲戚朋友担心,忙着打电话,所看到的一切 与大多数人并没有直接的关联。只是所有人都有点茫然,不知道会发生什么事情。 |
发布于:2006-09-13 00:14
引用第2楼穆阑于2006-9-11 14:39发表的言论: 当时正准备休息,习惯性地在收听新闻台的节目,这时插播了一条新闻,一开始没太听清,隔了一会儿又滚动插播,这才搞清楚是美国的哪个大楼被袭了,能感觉到事态很严重。第二天才看到图像新闻,恍惚觉得这不是真的,那分明是恐怖电影里才有的镜头。当最终意识到这一切的一切都是实实在在地发生在地球的那一端时,突然感到,原来天堂地狱的转化只需要一瞬间。 |
发布于:2006-09-13 22:08
竟有五年了。你们都记得当时听到这个消息时候自己正在干什么吗?当时在外地出差,晚上看这电视,就查播新闻了,说纽约被袭击了。心想出大事了,美国人也被袭击了。 ![]() |
发布于:2006-09-13 22:08
竟有五年了。你们都记得当时听到这个消息时候自己正在干什么吗?当时在外地出差,晚上看这电视,就查播新闻了,说纽约被袭击了。心想出大事了,美国人也被袭击了。 ![]() |