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更多 发布于:2008-01-18 12:10
Dubbing finds its voice
By Raymond Zhou
Updated: 2008-01-16 07:22

Vocal art usually refers to singing, but when Yang Dan talks about it she means the art of voice acting. The 24-year-old fell in love with the voice while still an elementary school student. That was when she discovered Dark Justice, a Hollywood drama series and a Japanese cartoon that were dubbed into Chinese by a group of voice actors who were based in Liaoning province.
Breaking several degrees of separation, the Beijing native sought them out and observed how they worked. Now, into the third year of a graduate program, she has her own voice acting club and, using "X-ray" as her online handle, is penetrating the shrouds of mystery that surround those invisible characters that entertained her via the air waves.

Club 729, which Yang founded on July 29, 2005 - hence the name - is an online community that brings together enthusiasts of voice acting, by producing their own shows. Since several of the core members live in Beijing, the work is partly conducted in the non-virtual world of a small apartment where Yang and her pals gather to talk about scripts and conduct some of the recording sessions.

Yang acts as producer and director, but "I don't give orders, everything is done by consensus."

Yang attended college as a journalism major, "where I was closest to voice acting" and is currently an intern at Beijing Radio, where she gets hands-on experience producing audio drama. The biggest influence, though, is Japanese anime.

"Our generation grew up watching Japanese cartoon shows and our fascination with dubbing springs from these programs," she says.

This differentiates Yang's club from a previous generation whose fixation on dubbing was based on the release of a wealth of imported movies in the early 1980s, at the end of the "cultural revolution" (1966-76).

"I love the old style, too, but we have to come up with programming that reflects our times," she says.

"You have to realize that dubbing is not an independent art, it is subordinate to movie and TV shows. Our generation wants more freedom, and only freedom can help us create good shows."

Yang's club does not do classic plays or poems, which is the territory of A-list voice actors, and does not produce comedies or melodrama, either.

"A radio show caters to the elderly and drivers. So, it is similar to a television drama or comedy series. Our content is distributed online and attracts a much younger crowd. Seventy percent of our listeners tune in to our webpage directly and the rest get to us by downloads."

Of the dozens of voice acting clubs active online, "ours is coming out ahead because we put a real emphasis on quality". Since all the members have day jobs, they take months to do one show or a segment for a series. For one show, she screened half a dozen actors and finally settled on a 17-year-old Chinese student in the United States - "He has a very mature voice totally belying his age."

The member responsible for post-production is a movie buff in Shanghai, who collects tons of sound effects and is particular about making everything himself.

"Usually a radio show produced by a radio station has a very simple sound design, but our shows have from 20 to 70 tracks. We're aficionados. We're not in it for the money, so we can experiment and aim for perfection," says Ketsu, who has played several male leads.

Yang's club does not have any professional equipment, but it makes do with what it's got: one computer with a microphone, plus some sound recording and mixing software.

"We record one person at a time and splice the voices as dictated by the script. It's not a sound-proof booth, but we can improve the sound quality in final mixing."

When an actor joins them from another location - be it Anhui or America, there is a great deal of instant messaging, discussion back and forth, until the role is well-defined and all the lines polished.

All the members are galvanized by the enthusiastic response they get when they put their shows online. This is a hobby just like senior citizens singing Peking opera in the park, but with a more exclusive following.

"We're not in a position to capitalize on it right now, but I'd be glad if it can take us to more steady work such as audio books and voice-over jobs," Yang says.

Besides the dozens of shows produced for netizens, the club has also recorded sound tracks for cosplays, a form of stage play where young amateurs don period costumes and play out scenarios from mostly fantasy novels.

"It's all done in the spirit of fun. There's no monetary compensation involved," Yang says.

Like most voice acting buffs, Yang is dismayed that more movies hire stars to lend their voices to animated or foreign roles. "I think it's a gimmick." But she is open-minded when the result is good. "I love Chen Peisi doing the Chinese voice for Mushu, a comic role done by Eddie Murphy in the English version of Mulan. I also love Tom Hanks in Toy Story."

Analyzing the dubbing scene in China, Yang said imported movies take priority over local television programs, which compromises the shows' quality. By aggregating resources on the Internet, she hopes she and her pals can create a new way of quality voice acting.

"That's why we don't indulge in nostalgia for the golden era of dubbing, which is long gone. We don't dream of replacing the current forms of audio shows, but we're providing a new choice."

[color=blue][move]爱上一个天使的缺点,用一种魔鬼的语言[/move] [/color]
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哈哈··上CHINA DAILY 了啊~~不错不错~~可喜可贺啊···
[color=red][size=4]用世界上最美的语言--汉语来塑造一个个的人物,是宇宙中最幸福的事情! 声创联盟,最优秀的网络中文配音社团,将中文配音进行到底!http://www.sclm.net.cn/bbs 吴红涓导演太棒了,顾奇勇老师太强悍了,最爱陆揆与翟巍,永远支持上译![/size][/color]
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发布于:2008-01-18 13:07
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发布于:2008-01-18 13:38

[color=red] [b] 一个人能够从事一份自己最喜爱的工作是一种幸福。 关于这种爱 ——是DNA,是长在血液里的爱 [/b] [/color] [color=blue] [b] 没有任何人任何事可以夺走我的欢乐 ——对声色光影永恒的恋慕 欢迎来我的博客: http://hi.baidu.com/qianyemeinan/blog 百度翟巍吧 http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%B5%D4%CE%A1 [/b] [/color] [url=http://weibo.com/1468140127?s=6uyXnP][img]http://service.t.sina.com.cn/widget/qmd/1468140127/078cedea/7.png[/img][/url]
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发布于:2008-01-18 15:14

CHINA DAILY / Page 20 /第20页
 Dubbing finds its voice 配音认定,它的声音
By Raymond Zhou 由雷蒙德周
Updated: 2008-01-16 07:22 更新时间: 08年1月16日7时22分
Vocal art usually refers to singing, but when Yang Dan talks about it she means the art of voice acting.声乐艺术通常是指以歌唱,但是当杨丹谈这意味着她的艺术语音代理。 The 24-year-old fell in love with the voice while still an elementary school student.今年24岁迷上声音,而仍然是一个小学生。 That was when she discovered Dark Justice, a Hollywood drama series and a Japanese cartoon that were dubbed into Chinese by a group of voice actors who were based in Liaoning province.那是当她发现黑暗正义,是好莱坞剧集与日本漫画都是被翻译成中文,由一组声音演员都设在辽宁省。

Club 729 founder Yang Dan. 729俱乐部创始人杨丹。 Photos by Yang Shizhong 照片由杨何世忠
Breaking several degrees of separation, the Beijing native sought them out and observed how they worked.打破几程度的分离,对北京本土征求他们并观察他们如何工作。 Now, into the third year of a graduate program, she has her own voice acting club and, using "X-ray" as her online handle, is penetrating the shrouds of mystery that surround those invisible characters that entertained her via the air waves.现在,到了三年级的毕业计划,她有自己的声音,代理俱乐部,并用" X光" ,她在网上处理,是穿透整流罩的谜团环绕这些无形的字符受理她透过大气电波。

Club 729, which Yang founded on July 29, 2005 - hence the name - is an online community that brings together enthusiasts of voice acting, by producing their own shows.俱乐部729 ,其中杨成立于2005年7月29日-由此得名-是一个网上社区,召集爱好者的配音,制作自己的节目。 Since several of the core members live in Beijing, the work is partly conducted in the non-virtual world of a small apartment where Yang and her pals gather to talk about scripts and conduct some of the recording sessions.由于几位核心成员住在北京,这项工作是进行了部分在非虚拟世界的一个小公寓杨和她的朋友聚在一起谈论剧本,并进行部分的录音。

Yang acts as producer and director, but "I don't give orders, everything is done by consensus."杨作为制片人以及导演,但"我不发号施令,尽一切努力以协商一致的" 。

Yang attended college as a journalism major, "where I was closest to voice acting" and is currently an intern at Beijing Radio, where she gets hands-on experience producing audio drama.杨出席了学院作为新闻专业, "我在那里最接近语音代理" ,是当前一个实习生,在北京电台,在那里她获得亲身体验制作音频话剧。 The biggest influence, though, is Japanese anime.最大的影响力,虽然是日本动画。

"Our generation grew up watching Japanese cartoon shows and our fascination with dubbing springs from these programs," she says. "我们这一代人成长起来看的日本卡通节目和我们的迷恋配音泉水从这些节目, "她说。

This differentiates Yang's club from a previous generation whose fixation on dubbing was based on the release of a wealth of imported movies in the early 1980s, at the end of the "cultural revolution" (1966-76).这一区别扬的俱乐部,从上一代的固定配音的基础上,释放了大量的进口影片,在八十年代初期,在去年底的"文革" ( 1966年至1976年) 。

"I love the old style, too, but we have to come up with programming that reflects our times," she says. "我爱老的风格,太,但我们要拿出与节目内容,这反映了我们的时代" ,她说。

"You have to realize that dubbing is not an independent art, it is subordinate to movie and TV shows. Our generation wants more freedom, and only freedom can help us create good shows." "你们必须认识到,配音,是不是一个独立的艺术,它是从属的电影和电视节目。我们这一代人想要更多的自由,而只有自由,可以帮助我们创造好戏" 。

Yang's club does not do classic plays or poems, which is the territory of A-list voice actors, and does not produce comedies or melodrama, either.杨的俱乐部没有做古典起着或诗歌,这是境内一个清单的声音演员,并不会产生喜剧或闹剧,要么。

"A radio show caters to the elderly and drivers. So, it is similar to a television drama or comedy series. Our content is distributed online and attracts a much younger crowd. Seventy percent of our listeners tune in to our webpage directly and the rest get to us by downloads." "的广播节目为了迎合老年人及司机,因此,它类似于一个电视戏剧或喜剧系列,我们的内容是分布式在线和吸引了很多年轻的观众。 70 %的听众收听到我们的网页,直接和其余让我们的下载" 。

Of the dozens of voice acting clubs active online, "ours is coming out ahead because we put a real emphasis on quality".对几十个语音代理会所在线的活跃性, "我们是来出未来,因为我们提出一个真正重视素质" 。 Since all the members have day jobs, they take months to do one show or a segment for a series.由于所有的奥委会委员都一天工作,他们需要数月时间做一个节目或一个部分一个系列。 For one show, she screened half a dozen actors and finally settled on a 17-year-old Chinese student in the United States - "He has a very mature voice totally belying his age."一查看,她甄别一半十几演员,最后定居于今年只有17岁的中国学生在美国-"他是一个很成熟的声音,完全指标仍然不错,他的年龄" 。

The member responsible for post-production is a movie buff in Shanghai, who collects tons of sound effects and is particular about making everything himself.会员负责后期制作是一个电影迷,在上海,世卫组织收集吨的声音效果,并特别关注,使自己的一切。

"Usually a radio show produced by a radio station has a very simple sound design, but our shows have from 20 to 70 tracks. We're aficionados. We're not in it for the money, so we can experiment and aim for perfection," says Ketsu, who has played several male leads. "通常的广播节目制作,由一家电台有一个非常简单的音响设计,但我们已经表明, 20日至70轨道上,我们正在爱好者,我们没能在为了钱的,所以我们可以试验和宗旨,为完善说: " ketsu ,谁发挥了几位男性的线索。

Yang's club does not have any professional equipment, but it makes do with what it's got: one computer with a microphone, plus some sound recording and mixing software.杨的俱乐部没有任何专业设备,但它这样做的话,它的了:一台电脑,一个麦克风,再加上一些录音和混音软件。

"We record one person at a time and splice the voices as dictated by the script. It's not a sound-proof booth, but we can improve the sound quality in final mixing." "我们详细地记录一个人在一个时间和接合的声音,因为原来的剧本,因为它并非是一个完善的防展台,但我们可以改善音质,在最后混合" 。

When an actor joins them from another location - be it Anhui or America, there is a great deal of instant messaging, discussion back and forth, until the role is well-defined and all the lines polished.当一个演员加入,他们从另一个位置-无论是安徽还是美国,有大量的即时信息,讨论回奔波,直到角色是清楚界定和所有线路打磨。

All the members are galvanized by the enthusiastic response they get when they put their shows online.所有成员都是由镀锌反应热烈,他们的时候,他们把显示在线。 This is a hobby just like senior citizens singing Peking opera in the park, but with a more exclusive following.这是一种爱好,就像高龄唱京戏,在公园里,但一个更独家以下。

"We're not in a position to capitalize on it right now, but I'd be glad if it can take us to more steady work such as audio books and voice-over jobs," Yang says. "我们还不能在一个位置,以充分利用它的权利,但是,我很喜欢,如果能够把我们带到更稳定的工作,例如音频书籍和语音以上的就业机会, "杨说。

Besides the dozens of shows produced for netizens, the club has also recorded sound tracks for cosplays, a form of stage play where young amateurs don period costumes and play out scenarios from mostly fantasy novels.除了几十个表演制作了网民,该俱乐部也录下声音轨迹cosplays ,一种形式的舞台剧青少年业余唐时期的服装,并发挥出情景从绝大多数的幻想小说。

"It's all done in the spirit of fun. There's no monetary compensation involved," Yang says. "这一切都在做的精神乐趣。存在的任何金钱上的补偿所涉及的, "杨说。

Like most voice acting buffs, Yang is dismayed that more movies hire stars to lend their voices to animated or foreign roles.最喜欢的声音,代理发烧友,杨感到遗憾的是,更多的电影聘请明星借给他们的声音,以动画或外国的角色。 "I think it's a gimmick." "我认为这是一个花招。 " But she is open-minded when the result is good.但她是持开放态度的时候,结果是好的。 "I love Chen Peisi doing the Chinese voice for Mushu, a comic role done by Eddie Murphy in the English version of Mulan. I also love Tom Hanks in Toy Story." "我爱陈peisi做中文语音为mushu ,一本漫画角色所做的埃迪墨菲在英语版的花木兰,我也爱汤姆汉克斯在玩具总动员" 。

Analyzing the dubbing scene in China, Yang said imported movies take priority over local television programs, which compromises the shows' quality.分析配音现场,在中国,杨致远说,进口影片的优先照顾本地的电视节目,这损害了电视剧的质量。 By aggregating resources on the Internet, she hopes she and her pals can create a new way of quality voice acting.通过聚合资源,在互联网上,她希望她和她的朋友可以创造一种新的方式高质量的语音代理。

"That's why we don't indulge in nostalgia for the golden era of dubbing, which is long gone. We don't dream of replacing the current forms of audio shows, but we're providing a new choice." "这也就是为什么我们不沉醉于怀旧为黄金时代的配音,这是早已远去了,我们不梦想取代现行形式的音像节目,但我们提供了一个新的选择" 。

Yang with the rest of Club 729 crew. 杨同其他俱乐部的729名机组人员。

(China Daily 01/16/2008 page20) (中国日报2008年1月16日page20 )
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发布于:2008-01-18 16:00


更正: 729的创立者不是我一个人,而是因为阴阳师广播剧放出后得到大家的喜爱,我们几个人一起组建了名为729的组织,以便为以后共同创作的作品命名——这点当时对记者说过,但可能因为他过于繁忙而忽略了。




[color=blue][size=5] [font= 楷体_gb2312] [b] 这世界上所有的悲伤与痛苦,都完全来自希望自己幸福­ 这世界上所有的喜悦与快乐,都完全来自希望别人幸福 [/b] [/font][/size] [/color]
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发布于:2008-01-18 21:51




5,再次对729配音组受到CHINA DAILY的采访表示祝贺!用英文宣传中国人对配音的热爱,支持!
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发布于:2008-01-18 22:19
挑水 挖井
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发布于:2008-01-18 23:01
不错不错 加油加油
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发布于:2008-01-18 23:29

PS,voice acting我理解为声音表演,毕竟和dubbing配音还是有区别的。另外,我有很多翻不准或者疑惑的地方,我希望大家尤其是被采访者x-ray能出来释疑。

Vocal art usually refers to singing, but when Yang Dan talks about it she means the art of voice acting.声音艺术通常指唱歌,但是对杨丹意味着声音表演。 The 24-year-old fell in love with the voice while still an elementary school student.今年24岁的杨丹在还是小学生的时候就迷上了声音。 That was when she discovered Dark Justice, a Hollywood drama series and a Japanese cartoon that were dubbed into Chinese by a group of voice actors who were based in Liaoning province.当时她喜欢的一部好莱坞剧集和日本漫画《黑暗正义》(我不熟悉这部片子,只能直译),是由辽艺的一批配音演员配音的。

Club 729 founder Yang Dan. 729社团创始人杨丹。 Photos by Yang Shizhong 摄影杨世忠

Breaking several degrees of separation, the Beijing native sought them out and observed how they worked. 突破重重戒备(不知道怎么翻译,应该是译制片厂不让随便参观),这位北京姑娘找到他们并观察他们如何工作。 Now, into the third year of a graduate program, she has her own voice acting club and, using "X-ray" as her online handle, is penetrating the shrouds of mystery that surround those invisible characters that entertained her via the air waves.现在,研究生三年级作毕业设计的杨丹,拥有自己的声音表演社团。她还有一个网名是"x-ray" 。她一直努力穿透围绕着配音的那些神秘云团,揭开那些曾带给她快乐的用声波塑造的看不见的角色背后的故事(这一句太难,意译)。

Club 729, which Yang founded on July 29, 2005 - hence the name - is an online community that brings together enthusiasts of voice acting, by producing their own shows.由杨丹发起的729社团,成立于2005年7月29日——由此得名——是一个网上社团,专门召集爱好者来配音,制作自己的节目。 Since several of the core members live in Beijing, the work is partly conducted in the non-virtual world of a small apartment where Yang and her pals gather to talk about scripts and conduct some of the recording sessions.由于几位核心成员住在北京,工作则可以在现实世界里进行:在杨丹的小公寓(估计是自己租的房子)里,杨和她的朋友聚在一起讨论剧本,并进行部分的录音。

Yang acts as producer and director, but "I don't give orders, everything is done by consensus."杨是制片人以及导演,但她说“我不发号施令,我们都是通过协商一起解决问题的”。

Yang attended college as a journalism major, "where I was closest to voice acting" and is currently an intern at Beijing Radio, where she gets hands-on experience producing audio drama.杨在大学里学的是新闻专业 ,"那是个最接近声音表演的地方”。现在作为北京电台的一名实习生,杨丹能获得许多亲身参与制作声音戏剧的经历。 The biggest influence, though, is Japanese anime.当然其中最有影响力的,仍然是日本动画。

"Our generation grew up watching Japanese cartoon shows and our fascination with dubbing springs from these programs," she says. "我们这一代人是看着日本动画成长起来的,所以对于配音的迷恋也发源于这些日本卡通"她说。

This differentiates Yang's club from a previous generation whose fixation on dubbing was based on the release of a wealth of imported movies in the early 1980s, at the end of the "cultural revolution" (1966-76).杨的队伍和以往的一代配音迷不同。那些人关注的焦点在于"文革"(1966年至1976年,还把这个时间写出来,怕外国人不知道?汗)后期,八十年代初期解禁后引进的大量的进口影片。

"I love the old style, too, but we have to come up with programming that reflects our times," she says. "我也爱老的风格,但是我们需要制作出反映我们的时代的节目”她说。

"You have to realize that dubbing is not an independent art, it is subordinate to movie and TV shows. Our generation wants more freedom, and only freedom can help us create good shows." "你必须认识到,配音不是一门独立的艺术,它是从属于电影和电视的。我们这一代人想要更多的自由,而只有自由才可以帮助我们创造出好节目" 。

Yang's club does not do classic plays or poems, which is the territory of A-list voice actors, and does not produce comedies or melodrama, either.杨的团队不演播经典剧或诗歌,那些是A级(估计是最好的,高级的)声音演员的领域。他们也不制作喜剧或情节剧。

"A radio show caters to the elderly and drivers. So, it is similar to a television drama or comedy series. Our content is distributed online and attracts a much younger crowd. Seventy percent of our listeners tune in to our webpage directly and the rest get to us by downloads." “广播节目是娱乐老年人及司机的(严重不同意这位作者的观点!!),因此,它和电视剧或喜剧系列类同。而我们的节目是在线的,能吸引很多年轻的观众。70%的听众直接从网页上收听我们的节目,其他的(指剩余的30%)则通过下载来收听" 。

Of the dozens of voice acting clubs active online, "ours is coming out ahead because we put a real emphasis on quality".作为网上活跃的众多声音表演社团之一, "我们名列前茅,因为我们始终重视节目的质量" 。 Since all the members have day jobs, they take months to do one show or a segment for a series.由于所有的成员白天都有工作,他们需要数月时间做一个节目或一个系列的一个部分。 For one show, she screened half a dozen actors and finally settled on a 17-year-old Chinese student in the United States - "He has a very mature voice totally belying his age."为了一个剧,她曾甄别6个演员,最后决定启用一名今年只有17岁的在美国的中国学生——"他有一个完全超越他年龄的很成熟的声音。”

The member responsible for post-production is a movie buff in Shanghai, who collects tons of sound effects and is particular about making everything himself.负责后期制作是一个在上海的超级电影迷成员。他要收集成千上万的音效(就是拟音吧),并还一个人完成所有工作。(忍不住赞一个!)

"Usually a radio show produced by a radio station has a very simple sound design, but our shows have from 20 to 70 tracks. We're aficionados. We're not in it for the money, so we can experiment and aim for perfection," says Ketsu, who has played several male leads. “通常,广播剧由广播电台制作,他们只进行非常简单的音效设计。但我们却有20-70个音轨。我们是爱好者,并非为了钱,所以我们可以不断尝试并且追求完美" ketsu说,他演播过好几个男一号。

Yang's club does not have any professional equipment, but it makes do with what it's got: one computer with a microphone, plus some sound recording and mixing software.杨的社团没有任何专业设备,但他们尽量利用他们拥有的制作出最好的节目:一台有麦克风的电脑,再加上一些录音和混音软件。

"We record one person at a time and splice the voices as dictated by the script. It's not a sound-proof booth, but we can improve the sound quality in final mixing." "我们一次录一个人的音,最后根据剧本混合各种声音。我们没有完全隔音的工作间,但我们可以在最后混音的时候尽量改善音质。”

When an actor joins them from another location - be it Anhui or America, there is a great deal of instant messaging, discussion back and forth, until the role is well-defined and all the lines polished.当一个异地演员加入,比方说安徽或者美国,他们只能靠大量的即时信息(应该是短消息吧)来回讨论,直到角色被完美定义以及台词被打磨到最佳状态。

All the members are galvanized by the enthusiastic response they get when they put their shows online.当他们把广播剧放在网上,所有成员都被热烈的回应所激励(言下之意就是反响很强烈)着。 This is a hobby just like senior citizens singing Peking opera in the park, but with a more exclusive following.这是一种爱好,就像公园里老人爱唱京戏一样,不同的是拥有一群非常特殊的追随者。

"We're not in a position to capitalize on it right now, but I'd be glad if it can take us to more steady work such as audio books and voice-over jobs," Yang says. "我们目前还不能进行商业操作,但是,我很高兴,如果这种爱好能带给我们更稳定的工作,例如有声读物和画外音的就业机会。 "杨说。

Besides the dozens of shows produced for netizens, the club has also recorded sound tracks for cosplays, a form of stage play where young amateurs don period costumes and play out scenarios from mostly fantasy novels.除了为网民制作许多广播剧以外,该社团也为cosplays录音。cosplays是一种表现神话小说(我不熟悉,不知道fantasy novels怎么翻译)的舞台剧形式,年轻的业余演员们穿着?(实在不知道don period怎么翻)的戏服表演故事中的场景。

"It's all done in the spirit of fun. There's no monetary compensation involved," Yang says. "这一切都是由精神乐趣所支配的。不涉及任何金钱的补偿,”杨说。

Like most voice acting buffs, Yang is dismayed that more movies hire stars to lend their voices to animated or foreign roles.和许多声音表演的粉丝一样,杨对很多电影选用明星来对动画或者外国影片角色配音感到失望。 "I think it's a gimmick." "我认为这是一个花招。 " But she is open-minded when the result is good.但结果还不错时她还是持宽容态度的。 "I love Chen Peisi doing the Chinese voice for Mushu, a comic role done by Eddie Murphy in the English version of Mulan. I also love Tom Hanks in Toy Story." "我喜欢陈佩斯为动画片《花木兰》里喜剧角色mushu的配音,英语版中那是由埃迪墨菲配音的;我也爱汤姆汉克斯为《玩具总动员》的配音" 。

Analyzing the dubbing scene in China, Yang said imported movies take priority over local television programs, which compromises the shows' quality.当分析中国的配音市场时,杨说,进口影片总是比本土电视节目更有优先权的,这无疑损害了电视剧的质量。(这句话我没看懂,翻译得很勉强) By aggregating resources on the Internet, she hopes she and her pals can create a new way of quality voice acting.通过聚合互联网的资源,她希望她和她的朋友可以创造一种新的高质量的声音表演方式。

"That's why we don't indulge in nostalgia for the golden era of dubbing, which is long gone. We don't dream of replacing the current forms of audio shows, but we're providing a new choice." "这也就是为什么我们不沉醉于怀旧黄金时代的配音,因为那毕竟远去了。我们也不奢望能取代当今声音节目的形式(这句也不大懂),我们只是提供了一种新的选择" 。

Yang with the rest of Club 729 crew. 杨同其他729社团的成员。

(China Daily 01/16/2008 page20) (中国日报2008年1月16日page20 )
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发布于:2008-01-19 01:02
引用第2楼叶雨竹2008-1-18 13:07发表的言论:

不仅是Chinglish(洋泾浜英语),而且语义逻辑也不通顺。你去美国的New York Times 或者是 USA Today报纸上随便找一篇文章,读起来绝对没有这么拗口。

《The Breakfast Club》《早餐俱乐部》这部电影不知大家看过没有,这部反映美国中学生(高中)生活,大段青春期叛逆心理活动的台词,不熟悉这个年龄段生活的要想翻译准确难度挺大,尤其是美国高中生口中的语言和中国高中生的语言很难对等的翻译,因为两国的学生生活差异太大了!不知这部片子有没有中文配音?但是有个中文字幕,据看过的网友说那个所谓的中文字幕是直接用“金山词霸”自动翻译的,看过字幕的网友说是“受不了,要发疯”。

我不知道这篇报道927配音组的英文写手Raymond Zhou(周黎明)是否也是用“金山词霸”翻译的?

举个例子,要理解Breaking several degrees of separation,是需要先理解社会行为学范畴的一个专业俚语,有部片子的名字也取自这个词, 就是《six degrees of separation》。即便是美国人写文章用到这个词(http://www.commondreams.org/views04/0122-11.htm),也要先注明一下,因为这个词美国人知道的也还是少数。词的解释见http://itotd.com/articles/222/six-degrees-of-separation/

如果周黎明不知道“six degrees of separation,”,那么Breaking several degrees of separation, 绝对是按照Chinglish的思维造出来的组合词。

再举个例子,“brunch” 这个词是美国人自己造的,其实就是从“breakfast(早餐) + lunch(中午餐)”取br+unch变成brunch。这里面其实有个隐含,一般是餐馆为了周六那些个睡懒觉的人提供的早餐和午餐合在一起吃的叫法。所以用起来只能是指周六(10:00am-2:00pm),最多延伸到周日也开。周一到周五餐馆是不提供的brunch的。如果翻译时将广东早茶与之对等起来,就不合适了,广东早茶是天天都有。语言是和生活以及文化分不开的,如果你拿本英国人编的字典去读美国的新闻,也都会有读不通的地方,反之也一样。





栾 平: 三爷,他不是胡标,他真是共军哪!
杨子荣: 姓栾的,你真狠毒!(从台阶上奔下)你想借三爷的刀来杀我,我悔不该

  • 最后登录2019-07-08
发布于:2008-01-19 02:09
Dubbing finds its voice
By Raymond Zhou
Updated: 2008-01-16 07:22


Vocal art usually refers to singing, but when Yang Dan talks about it she means the art of voice acting. The 24-year-old fell in love with the voice while still an elementary school student. That was when she discovered Dark Justice, a Hollywood drama series and a Japanese cartoon that were dubbed into Chinese by a group of voice actors who were based in Liaoning province.


Breaking several degrees of separation, the Beijing native sought them out and observed how they worked. Now, into the third year of a graduate program, she has her own voice acting club and, using "X-ray" as her online handle, is penetrating the shrouds of mystery that surround those invisible characters that entertained her via the air waves.


Club 729, which Yang founded on July 29, 2005 - hence the name - is an online community that brings together enthusiasts of voice acting, by producing their own shows. Since several of the core members live in Beijing, the work is partly conducted in the non-virtual world of a small apartment where Yang and her pals gather to talk about scripts and conduct some of the recording sessions.


Yang acts as producer and director, but "I don't give orders, everything is done by consensus."


Yang attended college as a journalism major, "where I was closest to voice acting" and is currently an intern at Beijing Radio, where she gets hands-on experience producing audio drama. The biggest influence, though, is Japanese anime.


"Our generation grew up watching Japanese cartoon shows and our fascination with dubbing springs from these programs," she says.


This differentiates Yang's club from a previous generation whose fixation on dubbing was based on the release of a wealth of imported movies in the early 1980s, at the end of the "cultural revolution" (1966-76).


"I love the old style, too, but we have to come up with programming that reflects our times," she says.


"You have to realize that dubbing is not an independent art, it is subordinate to movie and TV shows. Our generation wants more freedom, and only freedom can help us create good shows."


Yang's club does not do classic plays or poems, which is the territory of A-list voice actors, and does not produce comedies or melodrama, either.


"A radio show caters to the elderly and drivers. So, it is similar to a television drama or comedy series. Our content is distributed online and attracts a much younger crowd. Seventy percent of our listeners tune in to our webpage directly and the rest get to us by downloads."



  • 最后登录2019-07-08
发布于:2008-01-19 02:32
引用第12楼redwood2008-1-19 01:02发表的言论:

不仅是Chinglish(洋泾浜英语),而且语义逻辑也不通顺。你去美国的New York Times 或者是 USA Today报纸上随便找一篇文章,读起来绝对没有这么拗口。

《The Breakfast Club》《早餐俱乐部》这部电影不知大家看过没有,这部反映美国中学生(高中)生活,大段青春期叛逆心理活动的台词,不熟悉这个年龄段生活的要想翻译准确难度挺大,尤其是美国高中生口中的语言和中国高中生的语言很难对等的翻译,因为两国的学生生活差异太大了!不知这部片子有没有中文配音?但是有个中文字幕,据看过的网友说那个所谓的中文字幕是直接用“金山词霸”自动翻译的,看过字幕的网友说是“受不了,要发疯”。

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  • 优秀管理员
  • 爱心大使
发布于:2008-01-19 03:46
确实值得祝贺,支持一下 !
夫人们、小姐们、先生们,该收场了!我赫卡尔.波洛现在很清楚地知道,是谁杀死了道尔太太、露伊丝和奥特波恩太太~ 作为检察官犯下如此罪行……我杜丘冬人决定就此结束你的生命~
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发布于:2008-01-19 11:50
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发布于:2008-01-19 11:50















[color=blue][size=5] [font= 楷体_gb2312] [b] 这世界上所有的悲伤与痛苦,都完全来自希望自己幸福­ 这世界上所有的喜悦与快乐,都完全来自希望别人幸福 [/b] [/font][/size] [/color]
  • 最后登录2019-07-08
发布于:2008-01-19 20:06
Of the dozens of voice acting clubs active online, "ours is coming out ahead because we put a real emphasis on quality". Since all the members have day jobs, they take months to do one show or a segment for a series. For one show, she screened half a dozen actors and finally settled on a 17-year-old Chinese student in the United States - "He has a very mature voice totally belying his age."

若干的聲音表演社團在線上活躍,“我們成爲佼佼者是由於把品質放在第一位”。所有成員白天都有自己的工作,他們花費數月來做一個節目或是系列劇的一章。有一個節目,她甄選了若干表演者,最終選定了一個17嵗的中國留美學生 —— “他擁有一副完全不合年齡的老生音。”

The member responsible for post-production is a movie buff in Shanghai, who collects tons of sound effects and is particular about making everything himself.


"Usually a radio show produced by a radio station has a very simple sound design, but our shows have from 20 to 70 tracks. We're aficionados. We're not in it for the money, so we can experiment and aim for perfection," says Ketsu, who has played several male leads.


Yang's club does not have any professional equipment, but it makes do with what it's got: one computer with a microphone, plus some sound recording and mixing software.


"We record one person at a time and splice the voices as dictated by the script. It's not a sound-proof booth, but we can improve the sound quality in final mixing."


When an actor joins them from another location - be it Anhui or America, there is a great deal of instant messaging, discussion back and forth, until the role is well-defined and all the lines polished.


All the members are galvanized by the enthusiastic response they get when they put their shows online. This is a hobby just like senior citizens singing Peking opera in the park, but with a more exclusive following.


"We're not in a position to capitalize on it right now, but I'd be glad if it can take us to more steady work such as audio books and voice-over jobs," Yang says.


Besides the dozens of shows produced for netizens, the club has also recorded sound tracks for cosplays, a form of stage play where young amateurs don period costumes and play out scenarios from mostly fantasy novels.


"It's all done in the spirit of fun. There's no monetary compensation involved," Yang says.


Like most voice acting buffs, Yang is dismayed that more movies hire stars to lend their voices to animated or foreign roles. "I think it's a gimmick." But she is open-minded when the result is good. "I love Chen Peisi doing the Chinese voice for Mushu, a comic role done by Eddie Murphy in the English version of Mulan. I also love Tom Hanks in Toy Story."


Analyzing the dubbing scene in China, Yang said imported movies take priority over local television programs, which compromises the shows' quality. By aggregating resources on the Internet, she hopes she and her pals can create a new way of quality voice acting.

分析配音在中國的狀況,楊丹談到本土電視節目損失品質要給進口電影讓路。(我就XX再〇〇,我快吐了,這英語。原意:楊丹談到電影公映的配音品質是可以保證的,可是電視播出的時候再次配音大部分草台配音讓觀衆對配音產生了反感。)  通過聚集網絡資源,她希望她和朋友們可以打造出新生態的聲音表演模式。

"That's why we don't indulge in nostalgia for the golden era of dubbing, which is long gone. We don't dream of replacing the current forms of audio shows, but we're providing a new choice."




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发布于:2008-01-19 20:13
引用第12楼redwood2008-1-19 01:02发表的言论:

不仅是Chinglish(洋泾浜英语),而且语义逻辑也不通顺。你去美国的New York Times 或者是 USA Today报纸上随便找一篇文章,读起来绝对没有这么拗口。

《The Breakfast Club》《早餐俱乐部》这部电影不知大家看过没有,这部反映美国中学生(高中)生活,大段青春期叛逆心理活动的台词,不熟悉这个年龄段生活的要想翻译准确难度挺大,尤其是美国高中生口中的语言和中国高中生的语言很难对等的翻译,因为两国的学生生活差异太大了!不知这部片子有没有中文配音?但是有个中文字幕,据看过的网友说那个所谓的中文字幕是直接用“金山词霸”自动翻译的,看过字幕的网友说是“受不了,要发疯”。

  • 最后登录2019-07-08
发布于:2008-01-19 20:18
引用第17楼x-ray2008-1-19 11:50发表的言论:
谢谢小昭和dorayaki_dk翻译。结合两人的翻译我还是再解释一下吧…… 首先,由于本文主要针对的是外国读者和学习英语的学生,所以可能对细节真实性的推敲并不是笔者最看重的。这点我非常理解——只要向读者介绍网络配音的活动的存在,本文的目的就达到了。所以我在这里的解释,只是向一些熟悉我们、或对729感兴趣的配音爱好者做的细节更正。 1、我之所以喜欢上配音,是因为小学时看了日本动画《魔神英雄》和同时播出的美国电视剧《黑暗的公正》,当时两部片子全是辽艺配的,所以我开始尝试将相同的声音一一对上号,并且开始极为佩服他们的变声能力。 2、我的网名叫x-ray,是因为当时想像X光一样看穿整个配音圈——当时我是对记者这么说的。我想原文是不是也想表达这个意思? 3、729并不是我“拥有”的,也不是我带领创建的,而是一起做阴阳师广播剧的几个人共同建立起来的一个名号。 4、我们录音的小公寓并非特指哪个人的家。事实上729北京的四个核心人员都在彼此的家里录过音。  5、之所以考广播学院(传媒大学)的新闻专业,是因为我自认为没有能力考上播音系,而在广院里学新闻至少可以离配音近一些,而且以后可以为配音做宣传,所以——“它是离声音表演最近的地方”。另外我在实习的电台学习到的广播剧制作经验,是一种策划的方法。并非实际操作的技巧 6、729并不想和专业的配音演员竞争,影视剧译制是专业机构和演员的工作,我们只是想做自己喜欢的东西,特别是通过广播剧的形式(因为视频的东西制作比较麻烦,而且受的限制也比较大,广播剧的原创空间更自由——这是我当时对记者说的),在网络上免费和大家分享。或许等我们这代人成长起来、成为主力消费群体的时候,市场对声音作品的偏爱会有所改变,那时听广播的人会需要一些不同的作品,我也期待着能等来这样的机会。 7、制作广播剧《朝闻道》时,总是找不到合适的男主角,让很多朋友试音,大家都感觉不是很满意,最后一个偶然的机会,听到了翼鸣爱音社的无敌石中剑的声音——只有17岁的他,声音成熟得像个中年人,而且对配音的感觉把握也很好,所以就和身在美国的他取得了联系。 8、后期制作那部分,我说的是房喆楠。房兄确实是很了不起的人物。 9、729的成员也会为关系不错的cosplay社团配音,但一般不打729的名号,只是为了友谊。所以这也算不上是729的活动——但我想读者没必要知道这么具体…… 10、关于为什么大家这么厌恶现在的译制片,我认为在影院中放映的大片其实译制质量都是有保证的,但由于在电视中播放的译制片被很多草台毁了,也造成了人们先入为主的恶劣印象,所以这也是大家偏爱原声的原因之一——此外还有很多原因,但是恐怕没必要都写进去…… 11、729的所有成员都是听经典译制片成长起来的,所以我们每个人都很热爱和敬重老的配音艺术家。但我们不想仅仅靠回忆去生活,我们想做自己喜欢的东西——并不是为了取代现在专业的配音演员和优秀的配音作品,我们做广播剧,只是为喜欢声音的朋友提供一种新的听觉选择。如果再发现什么细节问题,我再慢慢解释吧……谢谢大家!

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发布于:2008-01-20 08:21
引用第19楼zerof2008-1-19 20:13发表的言论:




China has a long tradition of dubbing foreign films into the Mandarin Chinese which started in 1930s. Beginning from late 1970s, not only films, but popular TV series from the US, Japan and Mexico were also dubbed. The Shanghai Film Dubbing Studio has been the most celebrated one in the dubbing industry in China. In order to generate high-quality products, they divide each film into short segments, each one lasting only a few minutes, and then work on the segments one by one. In addition to the correct meaning in translation, they make tremendous effort to match the lips of the actors. As a result, viewers can hardly detect that the films they are seeing are actually dubbed. The cast of dubbers is acknowledged at the end of a dubbed film. Quite a few dubbing actors and actresses of the Shanghai Film Dubbing Studio became well-known celebrities, among whom are Qiu Yuefeng, Bi Ke, Li Zi, and Liu Guangning.

In filmmaking, dubbing or looping is the process of recording or replacing voices for a motion picture. The term is most commonly used in reference to voices recorded that do not belong to the original actors and speak in a different language than the actor is speaking. "Dubbing" can also be used to describe the process of re-recording lines by the actor who originally spoke them. This process is technically known as automated dialogue replacement, or ADR.

Although dubbing is most common with film, television series are sometimes dubbed as well (mostly popular Hollywood series and serialized Japanese anime that have received foreign distribution). Foreign-language films and videos are often dubbed into the local language of their target markets to increase their popularity with the local audience by making them more accessible.


  • 最后登录2017-12-07
发布于:2008-01-22 02:10
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发布于:2008-01-22 10:53
引用第21楼redwood2008-1-20 08:21发表的言论:





发布于:2008-10-20 17:49
