图片:QQ图片20170310190200.png 但时间过的再快,总会有一些或人、或事、或声、或影、或书会留存下来,这过程就像在淘金,弯着腰在泥水中淘啊淘,捞到的多是沙子、石头、泥块、甚至是锋利的玻璃碎块,而划破的却不仅仅是手指,还有当时一时间的心情,而最终的收获却往往是愉悦的,因为总会有一些金光点点留下来的。 加州旅馆是老鹰乐队的一首歌,伴随我很久了,我那张老鹰乐队1994年现场演唱会原版DVD:冰封地狱,至今还是我音乐碟中音效、表演、舞美俱佳、最佳的一张,尽管加州旅馆的现场版有很多,如2005年墨尔本告别巡回演唱会、1977年加州旅馆巡演休斯敦站现场等,但恰到好处的现场投入感、简约壮丽的舞美灯光、音乐与现场观众环境声经由DTS音效的完美再现,这些都以1994年现场版的DVD为最佳 图片:QQ图片20170310190221.png 时间过去很久的不久前的某一天,不经意间我看到了老鹰乐队1970年的加洲旅馆现场秀, 短短7分48秒的一段画面素质很差的录象,令我猛的想起还有那么一张塑料片静静的躺在碟架的某个角落里,我立即开始疯狂的寻找,最后终于在一堆DVD中找到了那张HELL FREEZES OVER,我拂掉盒面的灰尘,小心翼翼的把这张元老级碟片放进了已是换了N代的DVD机里,当那久违的鼓点和吉他又再次在屋子里回旋起来,当东尼的声音又再次沙哑起来,我才重新意识到这间老旅馆的存在,而且还发现这仍然是我音质最棒的一张DVD! 这张DVD就是我喜欢的《天堂电影院》,就是我少年时在操场上踢足球挥洒过的快乐的汗水,就是我那些不会总想起,却永远也不会忘记的美好!这些美好就像老鹰的加州旅馆,在漫漫旅途中,总是让暮然回首,再看到那间老旅馆的惊喜伴随着我。 而为了再找到一间加州旅馆,我往往会费尽力气的再去淘那些泥沙,殊不知已经拥有的、原本的那间老旅馆就不曾离开过我。 老鹰唱到: ~当我们渴的不行了,饿的不行了,爱会让我们活下去~ 我说: 当我厌倦了泥沙,当我要重温那些精彩的雕刻时光,我发现那间老旅馆依然在路边。 更多老K文章请关注微信公众号:老KK影 图片:0.jpg [doiod于2017-03-10 21:16编辑了帖子]
最新喜欢:mrgeor... |
发布于:2017-03-10 23:22
Hotel California - The Eagles On a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair warm smell of colutas rising up through the air Up ahead in the distance I saw a shimmering light My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim I had to stop for the night there she stood in the doorway I heard the mission bell and I was thinking to myself this could be heaven or this could be hell then she lift it up a candle and she showed me the way there were voice down in corridor I thought I heard them say welcome to the hotel california such a lovely place such a lovely face plenty of rooms at the hotel california any time of year you can find it here her mind is tiffary-twisted she godthe mercedes-bens she got a lot of pretty pretty boys that she calls friends how they dance in the courtyard sweet summers sweat some dance to remember some dance to forget so I called up the captain please bring me my wine, he said:" we haven't had that spirit here since ninteen sixty nine and still those voises are calling from far away wake up in the middle of the night just to hear them say welcome to the hotel california such a lovely place such a lovely face they live in'it up in the hotel california what nice surprise bring your alibis mirrors on the celling the pink champagne on ice, and she said:" we are all just prisoners here of our own device and in the master's chambers they gatheres for the feast they stab it with their steely knives but they just can't kill the beast last thing I remember I was running for the door I had to find the passage back to the place I was before relax said the night man we are programmed to receive you can check out any time you like but you can never leave Hotel California - Eagles 忍不住搬过来,如果老兄觉得音质不如DVD我再搬回去? |
发布于:2017-03-10 23:46
发布于:2017-03-11 00:07
发布于:2017-03-11 00:08
rach:灰常喜欢!有时候音质不是最重要的,就像在你的这一层的时候,多谢! |
发布于:2017-03-11 00:10