本报记者张楠 ?2005-12-17 8:13 工人日报 早在两年前,好莱坞就放言,要通吃中国传统经典名著。这一度在国内影视界引起不小的震动,有人提出坚决抵制;有人主张在全球化的背景下,将中国古典名著让好莱坞这个世界上最强的电影工业改编电影,不失为保存中国经典文化的出路之一。 ?? 日前,记者从中影集团了解到,中影集团将和香港先涛联手与美国好莱坞最知名的电影公司迪士尼共同将中国现代名著张天翼作品《宝葫芦的秘密》改编拍成一部中国娱乐大片。中国的内容、好莱坞的影响力,强强联手,三方受益,此举可说是中国经典名著实现影像影响力最大化的有益尝试。 ?? 据介绍,这部充满期待的中国娱乐大片《宝葫芦的秘密》已于2005年10月在浙江开机,2006年6月下旬公映。此次刚刚结束担当《无极》特效的香港先涛集团的主席朱家欣在接受采访时说:“我一直梦想把中国经典作品拍摄成电影。在我们中间,有迪士尼这样全世界第一的青少年娱乐产品制造者,有中国电影业第一的中影集团和我们这样作为亚洲第一视赏特效创作者,这部真人加卡通的《宝葫芦的秘密》拍摄将有里程碑的意义。” ?? 张天翼的女儿表示,中国和好莱坞同时看中这部小说,让她感到非常高兴,对他们的选择“感到敬佩”。美方迪士尼博伟国际电影公司总裁佐拉迪表示,这个故事除了完美的结构,很多元素符合世界儿童的心愿,比如儿童都幻想有一个宝葫芦。再有书中的诚实等价值观,也是全世界儿童能接受的,我一看就非常喜欢,由此决定了和中国片商首次合作。此片的拍摄投资和主演目前还不能透露,但肯定是大片的模式。中影集团董事长杨步亭称,上世纪50年代初,上海天马电影制片厂拍过《宝葫芦的秘密》,也非常好看。但是,今年重拍片会因为新技术参与变得更好看。中影集团是首次和好莱坞迪士尼合作,相信中国经典通过好莱坞的影响力可以实现中国经典名著影像影响力最大化传播,这对中国电影业来说是非常有意义的一件事。 ?? 据悉,这次合作的美方迪士尼下属博伟国际电影公司是好莱坞大公司中唯一一家国际票房收入连续11年都超过10亿美元的发行公司,并在这11年中6次获得国际票房收入冠军。 ------------------------------------------------------ 附:此片旧版本的资料 片名:宝葫芦的秘密 片种:故事片 出品地区:中国大陆 色别:黑白 本数:8本 出品年代:1963 出品公司:天马电影制片厂 导演: 杨小仲 导演助理: 张惠钧、吕云峰 副导演: 殷子 编剧: 杨小仲、殷子、蒋天流 原著: 张天翼 摄影: 石凤歧 特技摄影: 周诗穆、梅云熹 制片: 陆立之 录音: 龚政明 剪辑: 周国柱 美工: 王月白 作曲: 王强 演奏: 上影乐团 指挥: 陈传熙 化装: 杨云龙 特技设计: 曹有光、张殿云 主要演员 邵耀国 (饰 杨大海) 张漫涛 (饰 小登姐姐) 茂路 (饰 宝葫芦) 吴云芳 (饰 刘老师) 陈荣华 (饰 肖民生) 周小海 (饰 王葆妹妹) 范雪朋 (饰 奶奶) 江山 (饰 杨伯伯) 徐方 (饰 王葆) 张宁 (饰 郑小登) 温和 (饰 苏鸣凤) 吕伟 (饰 姚俊) 根据张天翼同名童话小说改编。 小学生王葆幻想得到一个宝葫芦,就可以不费力气的得到一切。一天,他的愿望居然实现了。他有了宝葫芦,心里想要什么,所要的东西就摆在眼前了,什么金鱼呀、画报呀、图书呀、玩具呀、机器模型呀……要什么有什么。他和同学下象棋,想吃掉对方的棋子,刹那间,对方的棋子猛然飞进他的嘴里,弄得他很尴尬。他想为班里做一个起重机模型,马上就出现一架模型。可是当模型倒塌,大家要求他重新安装起来时,他当众出了丑。考算术时,他解不出答案,别人完成的考卷与他的空白考卷神不知鬼不觉的对调了,此事被老师发现,羞得他无地自容。他虽然有了宝葫芦,不但没有得到幸福和快活,反而带来了痛苦和烦恼,他逐渐认识到宝葫芦是害人的坏东西,便向同学们揭露了宝葫芦的秘密,并毅然地把这个"宝贝"抛弃。只听"轰"的一声响,宝葫芦爆炸了,王葆也惊醒了,原来他做了一个梦。从此,他懂得了必须刻苦认真学习的道理,改正了缺点。 |
发布于:2005-12-21 12:07
[转贴]Mickey Mouse finds magic in China
Mickey Mouse finds magic in ChinaDisney, now able to access China's media and entertainment markets, will make its first movie there. December 14, 2005: 10:11 AM EST LONDON (Reuters) - Walt Disney Co. is making its first movie in China, an adaptation of a local children's book, joining a growing field of Hollywood studios seeking access to the nation's tightly controlled media and entertainment markets. Disney (Research) said Wednesday its Walt Disney Studios was co-producing "The Secret of the Magic Gourd" with local investors Centro Digital Pictures and The China Film Group Corp. "We feel their participation is exactly what's required in ensuring that this film lives up to the expectation of generations of Chinese audiences," said Mark Zoradi, president of Disney's Buena Vista International distribution arm. Centro's work may be familiar to Western audiences because it created visual effects for such films as "Kill Bill," "Shaolin Soccer" and "Kung Fu Hustle." China Film is, among other things, the only government-authorized importer of foreign movies and therefore works regularly with Hollywood studios. The cost of the "Magic Gourd" production was not disclosed, but the companies expect to finish main filming early next year and a nationwide theatrical release in China in the second half of 2006. It began shooting in Hangzhou in October. Disney expects to distribute the film outside China, a spokeswoman said, but no specific plans have been set. Because the story is similar thematically to that of its other popular titles, Disney expects to find audiences in other countries. Although Disney opened a theme park in Hong Kong in September and is exploring one in Shanghai with government officials, rivals News Corp. (Research) and Time Warner Inc. (Research) were quicker to pursue local production in China. Time Warner is the parent company of CNNMoney.com. Broader ambitions Disney Chief Executive Robert Iger has broader ambitions for the company in China, including launching a Disney Channel and distributing content over broadband and mobile phones. In addition to pursuing local production, Hollywood has been increasingly using China as a shooting location to take advantage of unique vistas and low costs. Bernardo Bertolucci's 1987 film "The Last Emperor" was one of the earliest Western productions in China, with sets at the Forbidden City in Shanghai. Logistic and political issues, however, kept Hollywood from ramping up business in China until a few years ago when Quentin Tarantino shot his martial arts "Kill Bill" movies in Beijing in 2002. They were made by Miramax, which was then a Disney subsidiary. The distinction for "The Secret of the Magic Gourd" is that Disney is working with local partners and producing a film specifically for the Chinese market rather than importing its U.S.-based material. The story, written by the late Zhang Tian-yi, was first published in 1958. It is about an imaginative little boy who happens upon a mysterious gourd with the apparent power to help him accomplish everything he desires. Copyright 2005 Reuters All rights reserved. |