自制MV《命运.神罚之曲》求英语女声 [88字,附带海报]
需求一名会英语配音的女声 ,完成后您的大名将会出现在作品里 我的联系QQ:7269001 由于时间紧张,请11月底前完成委托 以下是古英语式翻译 <FATE•GODDESS' PUNISHMENT> Giants, the race of arrogance, Unto thee I granted the throne over the Earth, Whilst thou tried to defile the Heaven with thy corrupted hands. For all eternity, Believers shalt share my glory, Betrayers shalt bear my curse. Behold, hereby I and Gran Kain will smite thee with my final punishment. In fear and tremble, Shalt thou fall into the abysm of desperation. 命运 神罚之曲 不自量力的巨人 我赐予你们坐享大地之主的荣耀 你们却将欲望之手伸触天堂 信我者永享万世荣光,逆我者必受永世之罚 我与格兰肯在此 对你们施以终结之惩 你们将带着绝望与恐惧,堕入无法逃脱的毁灭深渊。 --------------------- 附上我自己画的两张海报 图片:羊皮纸.jpg 图片:你将沐浴着殷海萨之光.jpg 图片:神之审判02.jpg |
发布于:2008-11-04 14:38
Re:自制MV《命运.神罚之曲》求英语女声 [88字,附带海报]
非常感谢 美丽的鱼 完成了恢弘大气的女神殷海萨的中文配音 |
发布于:2008-11-04 14:50
Re:自制MV《命运.神罚之曲》求英语女声 [88字,附带海报]
支持小梦来啦,是沙发吗?鱼奶奶难得坐一次沙发哦,哈哈沙发的感觉就是不同哦...又是中文配音又是英文配音所有观众都要被你照顾到啊,这样的导演仅你一人吧。 |
发布于:2008-11-04 18:48
Re:自制MV《命运.神罚之曲》求英语女声 [88字,附带海报]
由于古英语的念法和现代英语不一样,我后备了现代英语台词如果朋友不熟悉古英语的风格就配这个吧 The fate , god's punishment (命运 神罚之曲) The giants Overreaches themselves Power I grant you to enjoy glory of the host in the earth But you take your hand of desire to the heaven For all , Believers will share my glory, Betrayers will bear my curse. Gran Kain and i are here, do the final punishment to you. You will bring despair and fear falling to destruction which it can not escaped |
发布于:2008-11-06 21:08
Re:自制MV《命运.神罚之曲》求英语女声 [88字,附带海报]
呵,看到梦罗浮的设计图了,不错,不过这个透视上…… |
发布于:2008-11-07 10:37
Re:自制MV《命运.神罚之曲》求英语女声 [88字,附带海报]
感谢仙乐飘飘和少司命对3楼的现代翻译质疑又修改了一下 Giants, who covet after my power, I granted you the glorious hostship over the earth, While you stretched out your corrupted hands for the Heaven. For all eternity, Believers will share my glory, Betrayers will bear my curse. So here I am, with Gran Kain, to do the final punishment to you. With despair and fear, You will fall into the unescapable destruction. |
发布于:2008-11-07 10:39
Re:Re:自制MV《命运.神罚之曲》求英语女声 [88字,附带海报]
引用第5楼丁一口于2008-11-6 21:08发表的 Re:自制MV《命运.神罚之曲》求英语女声 [88字,附带海报] : 古希腊的美学里,英雄或神的人体比例是8个头,我可以再夸张到9个头,以仰视为上,所以构图与透视都是呈金子塔型,显得神的威岸 |
发布于:2008-11-11 00:26
Re:自制MV《命运.神罚之曲》求英语女声 [88字,附带海报]
太感动了,仙乐飘飘以精灵女王的高昂姿态音型 完成了我的女神殷海萨的献声也要感谢 她的剑桥研究英语的朋友帮我修改了下台词 You overbloated egos I granted you the glory of ruling the land You took advantage of my generosity and asked for a piece of my heavenly abode Those who have faith in me will enjoy eternal splendour Those who defy my authority will live in hell forever Here stand Glenken and me Exercising capital punishment on you With fearful desperation, you will be thrown into the bottom of the Abyss, and be confined there for the rest of your life. |
发布于:2008-11-11 09:07
Re:自制MV《命运.神罚之曲》求英语女声 [88字,附带海报]
昨晚听了飘飘姐姐的这段录音,巨震!!!!!!!!! 完全标准的英式英语,与时下流行的美音有很大区别,很好听~~而且读的感觉非常像 前几年魔兽世界CG动画里的那个厚重女声,缥缈又威严,震啊震。。。。 |
发布于:2008-11-11 09:58
Re:Re:自制MV《命运.神罚之曲》求英语女声 [88字,附带海报]
引用第8楼梦罗浮于2008-11-11 00:26发表的 Re:自制MV《命运.神罚之曲》求英语女声 [88字,附带海报] : 剑桥……真不是盖的,飘走…… |
发布于:2008-11-11 11:02
Re:自制MV《命运.神罚之曲》求英语女声 [88字,附带海报]
天!我都还没听到小梦处理的效果呢!非常荣幸能参与这个制作,并且有幸通过了审查。感谢小梦给我的机会!!! 感谢大漫的认同,而且还给予了与“魔兽世界CG动画”相提并论的评价,飘飘流泪感谢啊! 寿司等我~~~~~~~~ |
发布于:2008-11-11 13:31
Re:自制MV《命运.神罚之曲》求英语女声 [88字,附带海报]
最终版本You overbloated egos I granted you the glory of ruling the land You took advantage of my generosity and asked for a piece of my heavenly abode Those who have faith in me will enjoy eternal splendour Those who defy my authority will suffer in hell forever Here stand Glenken and I Exercising capital punishment on you With fearful desperation, you will be thrown into the bottom of the Abyss, without any chance to escape. |
发布于:2008-11-11 15:21
Re:自制MV《命运.神罚之曲》求英语女声 [88字,附带海报]
呵呵,俺也听到姐姐的女王音了!高傲而冰冷的女王音啊!Orz中……还真有些像《指环王》中冯宪珍老师的声音,但较之更纯粹(个人觉得冯老师配精灵女王的声音有一点老气……) 呵,既然咱们YY有自己的冯宪珍,也有自己的张云明, 不如飘飘姐和大漫兄合作一段《办公室的故事》吧,一定非常精彩!! |
发布于:2008-11-12 00:02
Re:自制MV《命运.神罚之曲》求英语女声 [88字,附带海报]
原来已经配好了我也来配配玩玩 ^_^ |
发布于:2008-11-12 21:43
Re:自制MV《命运.神罚之曲》求英语女声 [88字,附带海报]
强烈请求LZ早日发布该片! |
发布于:2008-11-12 22:22
Re:Re:Re:自制MV《命运.神罚之曲》求英语女声 [88字,附带海报]
引用第10楼august于2008-11-11 09:58发表的 Re:Re:自制MV《命运.神罚之曲》求英语女声 [88字,附带海报] : 同飘走.... 好想听飘飘姐的女王音啊 |