电影《偷穿高跟鞋》中的诗词翻译问题各位兄弟姐妹,向你们请教一个问题,电影《偷穿高跟鞋》中,妹妹在姐姐的婚礼上给姐姐朗诵了一首肯明斯的一道诗: 《I carry your heart with me 》 I carry your heart with me I carry it in my heart I am never without it anywhere I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling I fear no fate for you are my fate, my sweet I want no world for beautiful you are my world, my true here's the deepest secret no one knows here's the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide and here is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart I carry your heart I carry it in my heart 《我将你的心带在身上》 我将你的心带在身上 用我的心将它妥善包藏 天长日久也不会遗忘 无论我前往何方,都有你伴我身旁; 即便我单独成事,那也是出于爱人,你的力量 面对命运我从不恐慌 只因你就是我命运的方向 世间万物于我皆如浮云 只因你在我眼中就是天地四方 这秘密无人知晓,在我心底埋藏 它是根之根,芽之芽,天之天,都是生命之树所生长; 这大树高于心灵的企望,也高于头脑的想象 是造化的奇迹,能够隔离参商 我将你的心带在身上 用我的心将它妥善包藏 我始终觉得倒数第三句似乎与整首诗意思不符,请帮我解释一下,谢谢先 注:这句的直译:这是奇迹,保持星星分离。参、商分别代表黄道上两端的星宿。这两个星分隔两端,而且一个早上升起时,另一个在地平线上落下去。 |
发布于:2015-04-13 21:39
[i carry your heart with me(i carry it in)] Summary The poem opens with the speaker declaring, "i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)." He goes on to stress the sense of unity he (we're just assuming it's a he) feels with the one he loves. Everything he does and feels is connected to her (again, just our gender assumption here). His fate and his world is her alone. The meaning of nature is also shared with the speaker's love. Finally, the "tree of life" or the "secret nobody knows" has its roots in the wonder of love and its limitless possibilities. Line 14 and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart